20Transportation time from Shiroi Quarantine Center to Each Racecourse /Airport * by horse van From Narita International Airport: To Tokyo Racecourse: To Nakayama Racecourse: To Chukyo Racecourse: To Hanshin Racecourse: Transportation time from Miki Horseland Park to Each Racecourse /Airport * by horse van From Kansai International Airport: To Chukyo Racecourse: To Hanshin Racecourse: 50km/31 miles 65km/40.5 miles 10km/6.2 miles 372km/231 miles 550km/343.5 miles 150km/93.5 miles 225km/139.5 miles 50km/32.5 miles 1 hour 2 hours 0.5 hours 5.5 hours 10 hours2 hours 3 hours 1 hourShiroi Quarantine CenterThis Quarantine Center is about 50km/31.1 miles from Narita International Airport. It is about 60 minutes by horse van from the airport. The facility accommodates a dirt training track of 1,400m (about 7 furlongs) in circumference and 17m wide.Miki Horseland ParkThis Quarantine Center is located on the premises of Miki Horseland Park, a public operated foundation in Hyogo Prefecture, in the western part of Japan. The facility accommodates a dirt outer track of 880m in circumference and 10m wide, and a smaller inner track of 627m in circumference and 10m wide.Quarantine Centers
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