
8. Other Pertinent Information When a horse bleeds in a race, the JRA Rules of Racing prohibits the horse from racing in the JRA races for one month for the first offence. OOWWNNEERRSSHHIIPP 1. Registration for Ownership and Colors The application fee is JPY 10,000 for Owner Registration (both Private and Company Owner applicants) and JPY 3,000 for Registration of Racing Colors. All funds required in this application process must be submitted in Japanese Yen. 2. Owner Registration Tax Accompanied with Owner Registration, JPY 90,000 must be paid to the Japanese Government in accordance with the Registration and License Tax Act. This amount must be remitted to the bank account designated by JRA. 3. Ownership Change The JRA Rules of Racing only allows the name of ONE Owner per horse as registered name.■In case of a change in the Ownership of a participating horse, the new and old Owners must report to the JRA as immediately as possible one Owner's name under which the horse is to be raced, accompanied by the documentary evidence such as an Ownership Registration Certificate issued by the horse racing authority of the country represented, or the sales contract. ■After a horse is drawn into a race, there shall be no transfer nor assignment of any Ownership interest in such horse until after the race, or until such horse is scratched from the race, if sooner. 4. Declaration Fee Declaration Fee must be remitted to the bank account designated by the JRA. It will NOT be refunded after the horse is declared to run. b) All visiting horse connections (Owners, Trainers, Assistant Trainers, Travelling Head Lads, Exercise Riders and Grooms) are strongly recommended to arrange their own insurance to cover travel, work, non-work injury and illness. c) A jockey must ride in a race with the safety vest and helmet approved by the Steward of the Meeting. d) The JRA may require the random selection of several Jockeys on race day to take and pass a urine test for prohibited substances (stimulant drugs, marijuana, narcotics, psychotropic drugs, ■2 stimulant,■■2 blocker and diuretics etc.) or a breath test for alcohol. e) Only padded whips whose pad is longer than 17cm and width is no fewer than 2cm nor more than 4cm can be used in Race. Also a whip which is 77 cm (approximately 30 inches) or longer is prohibited from being used in races. own insurance arrangements for horse. c) All visiting jockeys will be covered by the JRA’s accident compensation policy during under the control of the JRA. For G1 races (excluding 2yo races): 6. Matters to be noted in Relation to Jockeys a) The Jockeys to ride in the JRA races must enter and stay in the Jockey’s Quarter at the racecourse designated by the JRA by 9:00 PM on the previous day of that race meeting day. (For the Japan Cup, the Jockeys must stay at accommodation facilities designated by the JRA from 9:00 PM on the previous day of the race.) This is done to uphold the integrity of racing. b) A Jockey must ride in a race carrying the officially announced weight. The safety vest is mandatory and 1.0 kg allowance will be applicable. For example, if the announced weight is 57.0 kg, the Jockey has to ride the horse at the weight of 58.0 kg. 7. Insurance a) JRA will not be responsible for horse insurance and connections are advised to make their JPY 300,000 G1 races (for 2yo) and G2 races (excluding 2yo races): JPY 100,000 JPY 50,000 G2 races (for 2yo), G3 races: JPY 30,000 Other Races: 23

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