5. Payment TTRRAAVVEELL SSUUBBSSIIDDIIEESS For Grade 1 races listed on pages 8-17 in this guidebook, the JRA may offer travel incentives for particular overseas horses taking into consideration factors such as the horse's International rating. Please contact our Representative Offices for details. Payment of (1)~(4) must be remitted by noon, Friday, one week prior to the race day, Japan time. Please be sure that payment is made in Japanese yen. All bank charges and commissions (including paying bank charges) are to be paid by the owner. The designated bank details are as follows: Please fill in the name of your horse and race on the message section of the application for foreign remittance transactions so that the JRA can confirm from whom the bank transfer was sent. PPRRIIZZEE MMOONNEEYY All Prize Money will be wholly awarded to the single nominated Owner, who is registered with the JRA, for participating horses. Any split in prize money that reflects multiple Ownership is a matter of private contract or agreement between those Owners. The■JRA also does not deduct any percentages for Trainer, Jockey, and stable staff from prize money. Prize money will be paid in JPY to the Owner per exchange rate at that time. EEXXPPEENNDDIITTUURREESS As a general rule, Owners of participating horses will be entirely responsible for all travel, accommodation, quarantine, isolation and all incidental costs associated with themselves, their horses, Trainers, Jockeys, and stable staff. However, the JRA will provide the following expenses: 1. Van transportation expenses between the International Airport and the Quarantine Center and 2. Stall fees at the Quarantine Center and at the Racecourse. JJAAPPAANN CCUUPP HHOOSSPPIITTAALLIITTYY For invited overseas horses for the Japan Cup, the JRA will provide the following: 1. Air transportation between Japan and the point of embarkation / disembarkation for the horse and two attendants (economy class). 2. Return business class air tickets for Owner, Trainer, Jockey, and their spouse / partner (Not transferable). 3. Five nights accommodation (one room) for Owner, Trainer, and Jockey at JRA Official Hotel. MUFG Bank, Ltd. Head Office, Tokyo, Japan 2-7-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan BOTKJPJT JPY 10,000 JPY 3,000 JPY 90,000 JPY 300,000 (1) Application Fee for Ownership (2) Application Fee for Colors (3) Owner Registration Tax (4) Declaration Fee (for 3yo+ G1 races) *(1), (2), and (3) are necessary only for the Owners making registration for the first time after 1st January 1999. Once registered, this registration is valid throughout the period the Owner is registered as a JRA Owner, and the payment is necessary only once. Account Holder: JAPAN RACING ASSOCIATION Account Number: 0005-001-7834038 Bank: Bank Address: Swift Code: the Racecourses in Japan. 24
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