Company Profile
Name | Bloodhorse Training Center |
Location | 528 Nishicha, Urakawa-cho, Urakawa-gun, Hokkaido 057-0171, Japan |
Tel | +81-146-28-1001 |
Fax | +81-146-28-1003 | | |
Office hours | 9:00~17:00, Monday thru Friday |
Established | March 15, 1991 |

Following are the main objectives of Bloodhorse Training Center (BTC):
1. Improvement and dissemination of rearing and training methods
To improve and promote better rearing and training technique, BTC invites domestic and foreign specialists as lecturers to host lectures and practical training sessions. In addition, BTC publishes the "BTC News" to share knowledge on various training techniques.
2. Cultivation of rearing and training personnel
In an effort to stablize the development of horseracing by strengthening the backbone of light breed horse production and enhancing the quality of such horses, BTC has adopted a 1-year training program to familiarize those who will have a central role in the breeding areas. Through the program, the trainee will obtain first-hand technique and knowledge on horses.
3. Operation and management of shared gearing, training facility
The Hidaka Rearing and Training Facility was established in October 1993. Along with the expansion of infrastructure, the number of horses using the facility has increased. Simultaneously, race performance of those horses trained at the facility have dramatically improved by the year, and the BTC is giving best efforts to further promote its usage.