Japan Association for International Racing and Stud Book (JAIRS)

On December 1, 2010, the Japan Association for International Horse Racing (JAIR) and the Japan Race Horse Registry (JRHR) were consolidated into one organization.
- The Collection and Dissemination of Horse Racing related Information, both Domestic and Abroad
- Exchange of information on Techniques for the Conduct of Horse Racing and the Raising (Training) of Racehorse with Persons connected with Horse Racing from Abroad
- The Conduct and Support of International Events Relating to Horse Racing and Participation in International Conferences
- Registration of Racehorses and the Issuance of Registration Certificates
- Registration for the Stud Book and Other Books/Records Relating to Horse Racing and Breeding
- Research and Study Relating to the Improvement and Increased Production methods for Livestock
- Other such Services necessary to Achieve the Aims of this Organization
As of 31 March 2023
- Mr. Shinya Fukui :
- President & CEO (Updated)
- Mr. Makoto Furuta :
- Executive Director
- Dr. Hidehito Motegi :
- Director (Updated)
- Mr. Shinichi Tateoka :
- Director
Head Office
JRA Shimbashi Bunkan Bldg., 4-5-4 Shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 105-0004 Japan
Racing and Information Department (former Japan Association for International Horse Racing)
Registration Department (former Japan Race Horse Registry)
Hokkaido Office
5-7-22 Shizunaimiyuki-cho, Shinhidaka-cho, Hidaka-gun, Hokkaido, 056-0017 Japan
- Tel:
- +81-1462-2-6812
- Fax:
- +81-1464-2-6351