Company Profile
Name | Satellite Broadcasting Foundation for Horseracing, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (GREEN CHANNEL) |
Location | Eitai Daiya Bld. 13th Fl., 1-14-5, Eitai, Koto-Ku, Tokyo 135-8464, Japan |
Tel | +81-3-5620-2800 |
Fax | +81-3-5620-2807 | | |
Office hours | 9:30~17:30 |
Established | September 1, 1993 |

Following are the main objectives of the GREEN CHANNEL:
- 1.Operation of outsoursed broadcast airing of horseracing and agriculture, forestry and fisheries programs via communication satellite
- 2.Supplying of transmitted information and arranging of use of such information obtained via communication satellite for horseracing and agriculture, forestry and fisheries authorized personnel
- 3.Installation and everday maintenance of facilities and equipment required to fulfill the broadcasting airing obligations established in 1. and information transmission obligations established in 2.
- 4.Production and assistance of broadcast programs related to horseracing and agriculture, forestry and fisheries
- 5.Production and assistance of various information for transmission via communication satellite by horseracing and agriculture, forestry and fisheries authorized personnel
- 6.Training of human resources required to produce various information and to operate the satellite communication system, which is in need by horseracing and agriculture, forestry and fisheries authorized personnel
- 7.Research and examination of the satellite communication system and its usage by horseracing and agriculture, forestry and fisheries authorized personnel
- 8.Consulting services regarding the satellite communication system and its usage by horseracing and agriculture, forestry and fisheries authorized personnel
- 9.Relevant duties in connection with the abovementioned businesses
- 10.Other duties necessary to fulfill the Foundation's objectives