General Conditions
- 1.Entries and participation in JRA races are subject to the Rules of Racing and Matters to be Instructed by Veterinary Officers of the Japan Racing Association. All visiting owners, trainers and jockeys must adhere to these rules.
- 2.Preliminary nominations must be submitted by fax or post to your nearest JRA Representative Offices or IRB Offices.
- 3.Please be fully acquainted with the contents of the "Rules for Horsemen"and particular sessions relating to medication and drugs, quarantine procedures, conduct of racing as written in the JRA English Language website "Horseracing in Japan" (
- 4.For further information and assistance, please contact your nearest JRA Representative Offices or IRB offices listed below.
Japan Racing Association
International Department Tokyo Head Office [JAPAN] |
Hibiya Fort Tower, 1-1-1 Nishi-shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 105-0003, JAPAN Tel: +81-50-3139-9518
London Representative Office [UK] |
4th Floor, 11 Argyll Street, London W1F 7TH, UK Tel: +44-20-7437-5053
Paris Representative Office [France] |
15 Boulevard Douaumont 75017 Paris, FRANCE Tel: +33-7-84-38-78-96
New York Representative Office [USA] |
250 Park Avenue, 20th floor, NY, NY 10171, USA Tel: +1-203-554-5763
Hong Kong Representative Office [HONG KONG] |
1705, Prosperity Millennia Plaza, 663 King's Road, North Point, Hong Kong Tel: +852-2840-1566
Sydney Representative Office [Australia] |
Suite 24, Level 26, 44 Market Street, Sydney NSW 2000 AUSTRALIA Tel: +61-2-9089-8884