(as of January, 2025)
These Rules are English translation of the Japanese "The Japan Racing Association Rules of Racing", but not the official translation.
These translations should be used solely as reference material to aid in understanding of these Rules.
Only the original Japanese texts of these Rules are official and have effect, and in the event of any doubt as to the interpretation of these Rules, it is advised that reference should be made to the original Japanese text.
The JRA shall not be responsible for any losses, damages and troubles caused by mistranslations and/or interpretations that differ from the actual facts.
Inquiries to :
International Department
The Japan Racing Association
JRA Head Office, Hibiya Fort Tower, 1-1-1 Nishi-shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 105-0003, JAPAN
Art. 1 The purpose of these Rules shall be to prescribe in regards to the JRA's holding of horse racing, the registration of owners, horses and racing colors, the licensing of trainers and jockeys and admission fees.
(Responsibilities of Persons Concerned)
Art. 2 Persons involved in horse racing organized by the JRA have a responsibility to ensure horse racing is implemented impartially and smoothly.
Art. 3 The location of racecourses mentioned in Article 1 of the Enforcement Regulations of the Horse Racing Law (1954, Ordinance No.55 by Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, hereinafter referred to as Regulations ) is listed in Separate Table (1).
(Registration of Owner)
Art. 4 The registration of owners who are individuals shall be conducted by describing the following mentioned items in the owner register.
- (1)Name and date of birth
- (2)Domicile
- (3)Registration number and registration date
2. The registration of owners who are corporations shall be conducted by describing the following mentioned items in the owner register.
- (1)Corporation name
- (2)Domicile
- (3)Name, date of birth and domicile of the representative (limited to an officer who shall represent the corporation in all matters concerned with horse racing as an owner. Hereinafter the same shall apply)
- (4)Registration number and registration date
3. The registration of owners who are non-juridical associations (hereinafter referred to as Association) shall be conducted by describing the following mentioned items in the owner register.
- (1)Name of Association
- (2)Domicile of office
- (3)Name, date of birth and domicile of each member
- (4)Name of the representative (limited to a member who shall represent the Association in all matters concerned with horse racing as an owner. Hereinafter the same shall apply)
- (5)Registration number and registration date
(Application for Registration)
Art. 5 In the event an individual desires to undergo registration as an owner (hereinafter referred to as Owner Registration), he/she must submit to the President an application describing the items mentioned in Items 1 and 2, Paragraph 1 of the preceding Article accompanied by the following mentioned documents.
- (1)A copy of the family register and a copy of the resident record (in case the applicant is an alien, a copy of the resident record)
- (2)A document which describes the brief personal history of the applicant
- (3)Documents that certify that the person does not fall under the category of those who cannot appropriately form perceptions, make decisions, or conduct communication required for his or her horses to enter races in a proper manner due to disorder of their mental faculties and an identification certificate issued by the head of the municipality of the permanent domicile (in case the applicant is an alien, a document affixed with his signature to the effect that he does not fall under Item 1 of Article 7)
- (4)A document which describes that the applicant does not fall under Items 2 and 3 of Article 7 and affixed with his signature.
2. In the event a corporation desires to undergo Owner Registration, it must submit to the President an application describing the items mentioned in Items 1 to 3, Paragraph 2 of the preceding Article, accompanied by the following mentioned documents.
- (1)Articles of incorporation
- (2)A certified copy of the register book of the applicant and a document which describes the brief outline of the business of the applicant
- (3)A document certifying that the representative shall represent the corporation in all matters concerned with horse racing as an owner
- (4)A copy of the family register, and a copy of the resident record of the representative officer (in case the officer is an alien, a copy of the resident record)
- (5)Documents that certify that the officer concerned does not fall under the category of those who cannot appropriately form perceptions, make decisions, or conduct communication required for his or her horses to enter races in a proper manner due to disorder of their mental faculties and an identification certificate issued by the head of the municipality of the permanent domicile (in case the officer is an alien, a document affixed with his signature to the effect that he does not fall under Item 1 of Article 7)
- (6)A document which describes that the officer does not fall under Items 2 and 3 of Article 7 and is affixed with his signature
3. In the event an Association desires to undergo Owner Registration, it must submit to the President an application describing the items mentioned in Items 1 to 4, Paragraph 3 of the preceding Article, accompanied by the following mentioned documents.
- (1)A copy of the agreement to ensure that horses can run in a National Racing race (Excluding overseas races on which the JRA offers pari-mutuel betting: hereinafter the same shall apply), as involved in an association agreement provided in Article 667 of the Civil Code (1896, Law No. 89) and limited to an agreement which includes the items specified by the President.
- (2)A document certifying that the representative shall represent the Association in all matters concerned with horse racing as an owner
- (3)A copy of the family register and a copy of the resident record of the representative member (in case the member is an alien, a copy of the resident record)
- (4)Documents that certify that the member concerned does not fall under the category of those who cannot appropriately form perceptions, make decisions, or conduct communication required for his or her horses to enter races in a proper manner due to disorder of their mental faculties and an identification certificate issued by the head of the municipality of the permanent domicile (in case the member is an alien, a document affixed with his signature to the effect that he does not fall under Item 1 of Article 7)
- (5)A document which describes that the member does not fall under Items 2 and 3 of Article 7 and affixed with his signature
4. In case of an application made under the provisions of the preceding 3 Paragraphs, the JRA, in the event it is deemed necessary, may request submitting of certificates and documents other than the documents mentioned in each of the Items of the preceding three Paragraphs, or, request a person who desires to undergo Owner Registration (or, the officer in case of a corporation, or the member in case of an Association) to report in person
5. In case of an application made under the provisions of the preceding Paragraph 1, 2 or 3, the JRA, in the event it is deemed necessary, may request submitting of a written opinion from the organization formed by owners in regards to National Racing regarding the registration of the applicant concerned.
Art. 6 In case of an application for Owner Registration under the provisions of the preceding Article, the registration shall be conducted exclusive of in case of a refusal of registration under the provisions of the following Article.
2. In the event registration has been conducted under the provisions of the preceding Paragraph, the applicant shall be informed of this fact, without delay, and an Owner Registration Card shall be issued.
3. The JRA shall collect a registration fee of 10,000 yen at the time the Owner Registration Card in the preceding Paragraph is issued.
(Refusal of Registration)
Art. 7 A person who desires to undergo Owner Registration, in the event he/she falls under any one of the following Items, or, there has been a falsehood in the important items described in the application or the accompanying documents in Article 5, or, in case the descriptions of important facts are missing, this registration shall be refused.
- (1)A person who cannot appropriately form perceptions, make decisions, or conduct communication required for his or her horses to enter races in a proper manner due to disorder of their mental faculties.
- (2)A person who has been sentenced to a punishment of imprisonment without work or heavier
- (3)A person who has been punished with a fine in violation of the provisions of the Horse Racing Law (1948, Law No.158, hereinafter referred to as Law), the Japan Racing Association Law (1954, Law No. 205), the Bicycle Race Law (1948, Law No. 209), the Motorcycle Racing Law (1950, Law No. 208) or the Motorboat Racing Law (1951, Law No. 242)
- (4)A person who has been prohibited or suspended from participating in horse racing conducted by the JRA, the forty-seven prefectures and the designated municipalities (inclusive of a part of the associations organized by the forty-seven prefectures and the designated municipalities, as provided in the Local Government Law (1947, Law No. 67), Paragraph 1 of Article 284. Hereinafter the same shall apply) under the provisions of the Ordinance on Enforcement of the Horse Racing Law (1948, Ordinance No. 242. Hereinafter referred to as Ordinance), Item 4, Paragraph 1 of Article 10 (inclusive in case of application mutatis mutandis to Article 17-4 of the Ordinance. Hereinafter the same shall apply)
- (5)A person for whom there is a sufficient reason to deem that this person may commit, as a group, or, habitually, a violent and illegal act and other crimes mentioned in each of the Items of Article 1 of the enforcement regulations of the law on prevention of gangsters' injustice (1991, Item 4 of the National Public Safety Commission's Rules).
- (6)A member of the JRA Board of Governors
- (7)An officer, or, an official of the JRA
- (8)A trainer, jockey, training assistant, jockey candidate, or, groom
- (9)A person who has had his/her registration canceled under the provisions of Articles 10 or 11 by falling under any one of the provisions of Item 3 of Article 10 (limited to the portion concerned with Items 2, or, 3) or of Items 2 to 4 of Article 11, and 5 years have not elapsed from the date of cancellation
- (10)A person for whom it is deemed difficult to continuously entrust a racehorse with a trainer
- (11)A person who does not submit certificates or documents, or, does not report in person in case of Paragraph 4 of Article 5
- (12)A person who is not registered in the Basic Resident Register (in case the person is an alien, he or she is not registered in the original alien registration provided in the Alien Registration Law.
- (13)A person, in addition to those prescribed in each of the preceding Items, for whom there is a sufficient reason to deem that this person will endanger the integrity of horse racing
- (14)As for a corporation, a person, among the officers of a corporation (inclusive of regardless of under whatever the name, persons who have equal, or more, more, official authority, or, control than an officer. Hereinafter the same shall apply) who falls under any one of the preceding Items (exclusive of Item 10)
- (15)In case of an Association, an Association which has not yet concluded any association agreement provided in Item 1, Paragraph 3 of Article 5
- (16)In case of an Association, an Association which involves in its members a corporation or a person who falls under any one of Items 1 to 13, above (exclusive of Item 10)
(Owner Registration Screening Committee)
Art. 8 The Owner Registration Screening Committee shall be established within the JRA in order to screen and deliberate concerning screening of Owner Registrations at the request of the President.
2. In the event there has been an application for Owner Registration, or, in regards to a person who has undergone Owner Registration, in the event it is deemed necessary by the President, the opinion of the Owner Registration Screening Committee shall be heard in regards to the propriety of the registration.
3. The Owner Registration Screening Committee shall be composed of 15, or, less committee members appointed, or, commissioned by the President from among the officers and officials of the JRA, owners and persons of knowledge and experience.
4. The tenure of office of the committee members shall be 2 years. Provided, however, the committee members may be reelected.
5. In case of a vacancy of a committee member, in the event a person is appointed, or, commissioned to fill the vacancy, the tenure of office of the committee member shall be the remaining tenure of office of the predecessor.
6. The chairman of the Owner Registration Screening Committee shall be elected by mutual vote of the committee members.
(Notification of Changes in Described Items, etc.)
Art. 9 In the event there has been a change in the following mentioned items an owner shall notify the President to that effect, without delay, accompanied by the documents concerned with the altered items concerned from among the documents mentioned in each of the Items in Paragraph 1, each of the Items in Paragraph 2, or each of the Items in Paragraph 3 of Article 5.
- (1)The items mentioned in Items 1 or 2, Paragraph 1 of Article 4
- (2)The items mentioned in Items 1 to 3, Paragraph 2 of Article 4
- (3)The items mentioned in Items 1 to 4, Paragraph 3 of Article 4
- (4)The items described in the document mentioned in Item 1 or Item 2, Paragraph 2 of Article 5
- (5)The items described in the document mentioned in Item 1, Paragraph 3 of Article 5
2. In the event an owner, an officer of a corporation which is an owner, or a member of an Association which is an owner, falls under any one of Items 1 to 3 or Item 12 of Article 7, the owner concerned (in case of a corporation or an Association, its representative), shall notify the President to that effect without delay.
(Collection of Reports)Art. 9-2 In the event it is deemed necessary to maintain the fair implementation of horse racing, the JRA may request the owner to report or submit necessary documents.
(Cancellation of Registration)
Art. 10 In the event an owner falls under any one of the following Items, his/her registration shall be canceled.
- (1)In the event death becomes clear (or, in the event the dissolution becomes clear in case this person is a corporation or an Association).
- (2)In the event an application has been made for deregistration.
- (3)In the event he/she falls under any of the provisions from Items 1 to 4, Items 6 to 8, or Item 15 of Article 7.
- (4)As for a corporation, in the event there is a person, from among the officers of a corporation who falls under any of the provisions from Items 1 to 4, or, Items 6 to 8 of Article 7.
- (5)As for an Association, in the event an Association involves in its members a corporation or a person who falls under any of the provisions from Items 1 to 4, or, Items 6 to 8 of Article 7.
Art. 11 In the event an owner falls under any one of the following Items, his/her registration may be canceled.
- (1)In the event it becomes clear that he/she is a person for whom there is a sufficient reason to deem that this person will commit, as a group, or, habitually, a violent and illegal act and other crimes mentioned in each of the Items of Article 1 of the enforcement regulations of the law on prevention of gangsters' injustice.
- (2)In the event it becomes clear that he/she has undergone Owner Registration through a dishonest method.
- (3)In the event he/she has forged, or, altered, or, has allowed another person to use the Owner Registration Card.
- (4)In the event, in regards to a horse not owned by an owner (in case of an Association, a horse which is not included in its properties), the owner allows this horse to run under his/her name, or, undergoes nomination under the provisions of Article 76, or, undergoes racehorse registration (by the JRA as prescribed in Article 14 of the Law, hereinafter the same shall apply) under his/her own name.
- (5)In the event the owner allows a horse, which has undergone racehorse registration, to run in a race of Regional Public Racing (Excluding overseas races on which the forty-seven prefectures and the designated municipalities offer pari-mutuel betting: hereinafter the same shall apply).
- (6)In regards to a horse that has undergone racehorse registration, in the event it becomes clear that an agreement, etc., related to the feeding and training of the horse concerned has been concluded with an overseas party that holds a racehorse training license (hereinafter referred to as Foreign Affiliation).
- (7)In the event the owner is a person for whom it is deemed difficult to continuously entrust a racehorse with a trainer.
- (8)In the event the owner has neglected the report in Article 9.
- (9)In the event it becomes clear that the owner is not registered in the Basic Resident Register (in case the owner is an alien, in the event it becomes clear that the owner is not registered in the original alien registration provided in the Alien Registration Law).
- (10)In the event, in addition to what is prescribed in Items 3 to 5 of the preceding Article and each of the preceding Items, it becomes clear that the owner is a person for whom there is a sufficient reason to deem that he/she will endanger the integrity of horse racing.
- (11)In the event that, without any justifiable reason, an owner has not owned a horse which has undergone racehorse registration (hereinafter referred to as Registered Horse in this Item) within one year after undergoing Owner Registration, or, one year, or more have elapsed since an owner has ceased to own a Registered Horse, (in case of an Association, in the event that, without any justifiable reason, the Association has not included a Registered Horse in its properties within one year after undergoing Owner Registration, or, one year, or more have elapsed since the Association has ceased to include a Registered Horse in its properties).
- (12)As for a corporation, in the event there is a person, from among the officers of the corporation, who falls under any of the provisions of Items 5, 9, 12, or 13 of Article 7.
- (13)As for an Association, in the event an Association has involved in its members a person who falls under any of the provisions of Items 5, 9, 12, or 13 of Article 7.
- (14)In the event, under the provision of Article 9-2, the owner fails to report or present the requested documents, or provides a false report or presents a false document.
Art. 12 In the event a registration of an owner is canceled under the provisions of Article 10 or the preceding Article, this registration shall be deregistered.
(Representative of Owner)
Art. 13 An owner can appoint limited to a trainer as his/her representative concerning horse racing.
2. In the event an owner has appointed a trainer to be his/her own representative, he/she must submit under the provisions of the preceding Paragraph documents describing the following mentioned items, to the President through the racecourse general manager, or, the training center general manager.
- (1)Name of the trainer
- (2)The duration and matters for which the right of representation has been given
(Representative of Part Owners)
Art. 14 In regards to a horse (hereinafter referred to as Partnership Horse) which has undergone racehorse registration and is owned by 2, or more owners, 1 person (hereinafter referred to as Representative Part Owner) shall be prescribed, from among the owners (hereinafter referred to as Part Owners) of the Partnership Horse concerned, to represent the horse concerned in all matters concerning horse racing.
2. The Representative Part Owner must submit to the President, through the racecourse general manager, or, the training center general manager, a partnership application jointly signed by the Part Owners describing that the Representative Part Owner has been prescribed.
3. The Representative Part Owner shall notify the President, through the racecourse general manager, or, the training center general manager, in the event there has been a change in the items described in the partnership application of the preceding Paragraph.
(Registration of Non-Japanese Resident)
Art. 14-2 In the case a person who has a domicile in areas outside Japan ( hereinafter referred to as Non-Japanese Resident ) is making an application for registration as an individual owner, Owner Registration shall not be refused for falling under the Item 12 of Article 7.
2. A Non-Japanese Resident who desires to undergo Owner Registration must designate a liaison officer (referring to a person who represents the matters concerning the owner) in Japan, as prescribed by the President.
Art. 14-3 In the event a Non-Japanese Resident desires to undergo Owner Registration, he/she must submit to the President an application describing his/her name, date of birth and domicile accompanied by the following mentioned documents, notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph 1 of Article 5.
- (1)A document equivalent to a copy of the family register and a copy of the resident card issued by the relevant government office, or a document that takes the place of such documents
- (2)A document which describes the brief personal history of the applicant
- (3)A certificate of the owner license issued by an authoritative horse racing organization of a foreign country
- (4)A certificate from the relevant government office certifying that the following items do not apply (in the case the relevant government office does not issue such a certificate, a document pledging that he/she does not fall under the following items)
- a. A person who cannot appropriately form perceptions, make decisions, or conduct communication required for his or her horses to enter races in a proper manner due to disorder of their mental faculties
- b. A person who has been sentenced to a punishment of imprisonment without work or heavier, or, a person who has been sentenced to an equivalent punishment according to the statutes of a foreign country, and 10 years have not elapsed since the execution of that punishment has ended
- (5)A document pledging that Item 3 of Article 7 does not apply
- (6)A document describing items related to his/her liaison officer
2. In case of a person who is not licensed or registered as an owner in a foreign country, he/she may substitute the document in Item 3 of the preceding Paragraph with a certificate or document issued by the relevant government office mentioned in each of the following Items:
- (1)A document certifying that the person corresponds to any of the foreign dignitaries provided in Items 1 and 2 of the Separate Table of the Act on the Preservation of Calm of the Areas Around the Diet Building and the Like as well as the Areas Around Diplomatic Establishments of Foreign Countries and the Like (Act No. 90 of 1988)
- (2) A document certifying that the person is not a person for whom there is a sufficient reason to deem that he/she will endanger the integrity of horse racing
3. In case of an application made under the provisions of Paragraph 1, the JRA, in the event it is deemed necessary, may request the submission of certificates and documents other than the documents mentioned in the preceding two Paragraphs, or may request a person who desires to undergo Owner Registration or his/her liaison officer to report in person.
Art. 14-4 In case of an application for Owner Registration under the provisions of Paragraph 1 of the preceding Article, the registration shall be conducted exclusive of in case of a refusal of registration under the provisions of Article 7 or the following Article.
2. In the event registration has been conducted under the provisions of the preceding Paragraph, the applicant shall be informed of this fact, without delay, and an Owner Registration Card shall be issued.
3. The JRA shall collect a registration fee of 10,000 yen at the time the Owner Registration Card in the preceding Paragraph is issued.
Art. 14-5 A Non-Japanese Resident who desires to undergo Owner Registration, in the event he/she falls under any one of the Items of Article 7 ( exclusive of Items 11 and 12 ) or any one of the following Items, or, there has been a falsehood in the important items described in the application or the accompanying documents in Paragraph 1 of Article 14-3, or, in case the descriptions of important facts are missing, this registration shall be refused.
- (1)A person who is not licensed or registered as an owner in a foreign country (excluding a person who has submitted the document provided in Paragraph 2 of Article 14-3)
- (2)A person who is treated similarly as one who cannot appropriately form perceptions, make decisions, or conduct communication required for his or her horses to enter races in a proper manner due to disorder of their mental faculties, or, a person who is treated similarly to be bankrupt and who has not been rehabilitated, according to the statutes of a foreign country
- (3)A person who has been sentenced to a punishment equivalent to imprisonment without work or heavier according to the statutes of a foreign country, and 10 years have not elapsed since the execution of that punishment has ended
- (4)A person and a member of an organization who has been placed under the countermeasures implemented by the Minister of Finance based on a cabinet decision under the provisions of Paragraph 1 of Article 10 of the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act (Act No. 228 of 1949)
- (5)A person whose registration has been cancelled under the provisions of Item 3 of Article 14-7 (limited to the portion related to Item 3 of Article 14-5) by falling under the provisions of Item 3 and 5 years have not elapsed since the registration was cancelled
- (6)A person who does not submit certificates or documents, or who fails to report in person in case of Paragraph 3 of Article 14-3
Art. 14-6 In the event there has been a change in name, domicile or items concerning the liaison officer, an owner who is a Non-Japanese Resident shall notify the President to that effect, without delay, accompanied by the documents concerned with the altered items concerned from among the documents mentioned in each of the Items in Paragraph 1 of Article 14-3, notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph 1 of Article 9.
2. In the event an owner who is a Non-Japanese Resident falls under any one of Items 1 to 3 of Article 7 or Items 1 to 3 of Article 14-5, the owner shall notify the President to that effect without delay, notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph 2 of Article 9.
Art. 14-7 In the event an owner who is a Non-Japanese Resident falls under any one of the following Items in addition to those prescribed in each of the Items of Article 11 ( exclusive of Items 8 and 9 ), his/her registration may be canceled.
- (1)In the event it becomes clear that the owner no longer has his/her license or registration concerning the certificate in Item 3, Paragraph 1 of Article 14-3.
- (2)In the event it becomes clear that what is certified by the document issued by the relevant government office provided in Paragraph 2 of Article 14-3 is not true and correct
- (3)In the event the owner becomes a person mentioned in any one of the Items 2 to 4 of Article 14-5.
- (4)In the event the owner has neglected the report in the preceding Article.
- (5)In the event the liaison officer is absent due to an accident or other reasons.
Art. 14-8 In the event a registration of an owner who is a Non-Japanese Resident is canceled under the provisions of the preceding Article in addition to those prescribed in Article 12, this registration shall be deregistered.
(Exceptional Provisions for Designated Exchange Races)
Art. 15 The Owner Registration conducted for the designated exchange races provided in Paragraph 1 of Article 56 of the Regulations (hereinafter referred to as National Racing Designated Exchange Races) shall be effective only for the National Racing Designated Exchange Races concerned.
2. If a person having undergone Owner Registration of the National Association of Racing(hereinafter referred to as NAR) desires to undergo Owner Registration of the JRA to enter a horse having undergone the NAR's racehorse registration(hereinafter referred to as Regional Racehorse Registration) for the National Racing Designated Exchange Races, he/she must submit an application form accompanied by the written certification of the NAR's racehorse registration as prescribed by the President, notwithstanding the provisions of Article 5.
3. The provisions of Paragraph 3 of Article 6 and Paragraph 2 of Article 8 shall not apply to the Owner Registration provided in the preceding Paragraph.
4. The provisions of Item 5 of Article 11 shall not apply to a person having undergone Owner Registration of the JRA and who have run the horses having undergone racehorse registration provided in Article 28 for races of Regional Public Racing.
5. The designated exchange races provided in Paragraph 4 of Article 56 of the Regulations (hereinafter referred to as Regional Public Racing Designated Exchange Races) shall not fall under the category of "a race of Regional Public Racing" stated in Item 5 of Article 11.
(Exceptional Provisions for International Races)
Art. 16 The Owner Registration conducted for the international races provided in Paragraph 1 of Article 57 of the Regulations (hereinafter referred to as International Races) shall be effective only in case the owner runs a horse having run in horse races held overseas under his/her own name and which is a horse designated by the JRA ( referred to as Designated Overseas-Trained Horse in Articles 29, 42, 63 and 92 ) in International Races.
2. If a person having obtained the owner's license or having undergone Owner Registration in a foreign country desires to undergo Owner Registration of the JRA to enter a horse having run in horse races held overseas under his/her own name for International Races, he/she must submit an application form accompanied by the documents deemed necessary by the President, including a certificate of the owner license issued by an authoritative horse racing organization of a foreign country, as prescribed by the President, notwithstanding the provisions of Article 5.
3.The provision concerning a trainer stated in Item 8 of Article 7, the provisions of Item 12 of Article 7, Paragraph 2 of Article 8 and Item 9 of Article 11 shall not apply to the Owner Registration conducted for International Races provided in the preceding Paragraph.
(Items Described in Racehorse Registry)
Art. 17 Racehorse registration shall be conducted describing the following mentioned items in the racehorse registry.
- (1)Horse name (this shall be written in Japanese syllabic characters)
- (2)Kind, sex, coat color, markings, date of birth, percentage of Arab blood of the horse concerned and kind and name of the sire and dam
- (3)The number from the microchip (limited to a type stipulated by the President. Hereinafter the same shall apply)
- (4)Birthplace of horse and name of breeder
- (5)Name of owner (or, the designation in case of a corporation or an Association. Hereinafter the same shall apply)
- (6)Registration number and date of registration
(Application for Registration)
Art. 18 No person other than the owner of the horse concerned (including an Association which includes the horse concerned in its properties) can undergo racehorse registration.
2. An owner who desires to undergo racehorse registration must submit to the President, through the racecourse general manager, or, the training center general manager, an application form for each horse which is to undergo racehorse registration describing the items mentioned in Items 1 to 5 of the preceding Article and the date when the horse was acquired, accompanied by a document certifying pedigree of the horse (limited to a certificate issued by an organization designated by the President). Also, the owner must submit a document certifying that the horse is, in fact, the owner's property (in case of an Association, the horse is included in its properties), a document certifying conclusion of a training contract with a trainer and a registration fee of 5,000 yen.
3. The JRA, in the event it is deemed necessary for racehorse registration, may request submitting of the following mentioned documents, or, can request the owner (the representative in case of a corporation or an Association) who desires to undergo racehorse registration to report in person.
- (1)A certificate of deregistration of Regional Racehorse Registration.
- (2)A test report (limited to a test report made by a test organ recognized by the President) for the purpose of confirming the pedigree of a horse
- (3)Any other documents deemed necessary by the President.
(Inspection of Horse)
Art. 19 An owner, in regards to a horse which is to undergo racehorse registration, must undergo an inspection conducted by the JRA on the date, time and location designated by the JRA. Provided, however, that this shall not apply to a horse which is to undergo racehorse registration between September 1 in the year when the horse reaches the age of 1 year until the last day of February in the following year.
2. An owner, in regards to a horse which has not undergone inspection under the proviso of the preceding Paragraph but which has undergone racehorse registration under the provisions of the following Article, must undergo an inspection conducted by the JRA on the date, time and location designated by the JRA between the date on which said racehorse registration is undergone and the date when the horse is first stabled in stables managed by the JRA (inclusive of facilities designated by the President; the same shall apply in Article 91).
Art. 20 In case of an application submitted under Article 18, a racehorse registration shall be conducted in the event it is deemed that the matters described in the application form and accompanying documents are true and correct unless the registration is refused according to the following Article. In this case, the documents certifying the pedigree of the horse concerned shall be kept in custody at the JRA.
(Refusal of Registration)
Art. 21 Registration will be refused in the event the racehorse listed on the application form prescribed in Paragraph 2 of Article 18 falls under any of the following Items.
- (1)A horse which does not fall under the provisions of Article 82
- (2)A horse 1-year-old, or less (exclusive of a 1-year-old horse which is to undergo registration after September 1)
- (3)A horse used for breeding purposes
- (4)A horse on which the tariffs as provided in Separate Table of the Customs Tariffs Law (1910, Law No. 54) are free
- (5)A horse in which no microchip has been implanted
- (6)A horse for which a training contract has not been concluded with a trainer
- (7)A horse which has contracted, or, diagnosed as a suspected case of an infectious disease
- (8)A horse unsuitable to be used in races due to blindness in one eye, or, other physical impediments of the horse body
- (9)A horse that has undergone a procedure that artificially modifies any part of its genome
(hereinafter referred to as Genetic Modification) in its body, a horse that has been administered genetically modified cells, a horse that has grown into an individual horse through the process of developing genetically modified germline cells (referring to ova, spermatozoa, or fertilized eggs; hereinafter the same) in utero (hereinafter referred to as Genetically Modified Horse), or a horse that has grown into an individual horse through the process of developing germline cells of a Genetically Modified Horse in utero. - (10)A horse which has undergone Regional Racehorse Registration
- (11)A horse for which a Foreign Affiliation has become clear
- (12)A horse which has undergone Regional Racehorse Registration or has a Foreign Affiliation, and which cannot run in a race of National Racing in accordance with the standards prescribed in the program.
2. Other than the case in the preceding Paragraph, a racehorse registration shall not be conducted for an owner who desires to undergo racehorse registration in the event he/she does not submit the documents under the provisions of Paragraph 3 of Article 18, fails to report in person, or, refuses inspection under the provisions of Paragraph 1 of Article 19 (except when inspection is not undergone under the proviso of said Paragraph).
Art. 22 A horse name falling under any one of the following Items shall not be registered.
- (1)A name which is the same, or, may be confused with the designation, or, name of a famous horse
- (2)A name which is the same, or, may be confused with the designation, or, name of the sire, or, dam
- (3)A name which is the same, or, may be confused with any of the names described below.
- c.A name which has already undergone racehorse registration or Regional Racehorse Registration
- d.A name of a horse whose racehorse registration or Regional Racehorse Registration was deregistered and with a lapse of less than 4 years after January 1 of the following year of the deregistration date
- e.A name previous to its name change in regard to its racehorse registration or Regional Racehorse Registration and with a lapse of less than 1 year after January 1 of the following year of the name change date
- (4)An odd or eccentric name
- (5)A name which is deemed identical with a company, commercial product, etc., and clearly given for the purpose of advertisement and publicity for profit-making purposes and, at the same time, not suitable for a racehorse
- (6)A horse name with one letter or 10 or more letters of the Japanese syllabic characters
- (7)A name which is different from the name of a horse described in the original studbook with its pedigree registered by an organization designated by the President
Art. 23 In case an owner who desires to undergo racehorse registration in regards to a horse which has once undergone Regional Racehorse Registration, cannot undergo the registration unless under the horse name described in the documents under the provisions of Item 1, Paragraph 3 of Article 18.
2. An owner who desires to undergo racehorse registration in regards to a horse which has undergone horse name registration at an authoritative horse racing organization of a foreign country, cannot undergo racehorse registration unless the horse name described in the documents certifying the pedigree of the horse concerned issued by the horse racing organization concerned is indicated in Japanese syllabic characters conforming with the pronunciation of the country concerned.
Art. 24 In the event a registered horse falls under any of the following Items, the horse shall be deregistered.
- (1)In the event that the horse has died
- (2)In the event the horse has undergone Regional Racehorse Registration
- (3)In the event it becomes clear that the horse has a Foreign Affiliation.
- (4)In the event that after the ownership of the horse has been transferred to a person other than the registered owner and that person fails to undergo Owner Registration after a lapse of 60 days of the date of transfer
- (5)In the event the application for Owner Registration in the preceding Item has been refused
- (6)In the event that an attempt was made to run a horse, or, the horse was run with the horse body in disguise
- (7)In the event that notification under Article 27 was neglected, or, falsification of fact has been notified
- (8)In the event that the horse was used for breeding, working, riding, farming and for any purpose other than horse racing
- (9)In the event that it becomes clear that a horse that has undergone the inspection in Paragraph 2 of Article 19 falls under Item 8, Paragraph 1 of Article 21.
- (10)In the event it becomes clear that the horse falls under Item 9, Paragraph 1 of Article 21.
2. Other than the case in the preceding Paragraph, the racehorse registration shall be deregistered in the event of an application for deregistration from an owner of a horse (inclusive of an Association which includes the horse in its properties. The same shall apply to the following Article and Article 55), or, in the event it becomes clear that the items described in the application form provided in Paragraph 2 of Article 18, or, in the documents provided in each of the Items of Paragraph 3 of the same Article are not true and correct.
3. Documents certifying the pedigree of the horse kept in custody under the provisions of latter part of Article 20 shall be returned in the event the horse is deregistered according to the preceding Paragraphs.
(Effect of Deregistration and Re-registration)
Art. 25 No horse whose racehorse registration has been deregistered shall be re-registered. Provided, however, this shall not apply in regards to a horse that falls under any one of the following Items.
- (1)A horse whose racehorse registration has been deregistered as a 1-year-old or 2-year-old on application from the owner and which has not run in a race of National Racing
- (2)A horse whose racehorse registration has been deregistered on application from the owner and which, after the deregistration concerned, has undergone Regional Racehorse Registration, or has established a Foreign Affiliation.
2. In regards to a horse (exclusive of a horse which has not run in a race of National Racing and which has undergone Regional Racehorse Registration, or has established a Foreign Affiliation) as provided in each of the Items of the preceding Paragraph, in case the horse is to undergo racehorse registration, the horse cannot undergo the registration unless this is done under the previously registered horse name of the horse concerned (hereinafter referred to as the name of the horse concerned at the time of the deregistration; the same shall apply to the following Paragraph). In this case, the provisions of Paragraph 1 of Article 23 shall not apply to the racehorse registration of a horse which has undergone Regional Racehorse Registration, and the provisions of Paragraph 2 of the same Article shall not apply to a horse with a Foreign Affiliation.
3. In regards to a horse as provided in each of the Items of Paragraph 1, in case racehorse registration is conducted under the previously registered horse name of the horse concerned, the provisions of Item 3 of Article 22 shall not apply.
(Change of Horse Name)
Art. 26 The name of a horse which has undergone racehorse registration cannot be changed. Provided, however, the horse name can be changed limited to one time in regards to a horse which has not run in a race of National Racing, the Regional Public Racing and in foreign countries.
2. A person who desires to apply for change of horse name under the proviso of the preceding Paragraph, must submit to the President, through the racecourse general manager, or, the training center general manager, an application form describing the already registered horse name and the horse name to be registered accompanied by any other documents deemed necessary by the President and a registration change fee of 5,000 yen.
(Restrictions on Ownership Transfer and Cancelation of Entrustment Agreements)
Art. 26-2 In regards to a horse which has undergone racehorse registration, when the horse has been confirmed to start pursuant to the provisions of Paragraph 5 of Article 85 based on the results of a declaration to start pursuant to the provisions of Article 84, the owner may not transfer the horse concerned or cancel the training contract with the trainer of the horse concerned (exclusive of cancellations due to unavoidable circumstances such as the death of the trainer to which the horse concerned was entrusted) from the time the horse concerned was confirmed to start until the day on which the race in which the horse concerned is due to start is held (in case the horse concerned falls under any of the Items of Article 87 and the owner withdraws the horse concerned from the race concerned, or, in case the horse concerned is excluded from the race concerned pursuant to the provisions of Paragraph 1 or 2 of Article 105, the period until the date on which the horse concerned was withdrawn or excluded).
(Notification of Change in Ownership)
Art. 27 In the event an owner transfers, or, receives transfer of a horse which has undergone racehorse registration, he/she must submit, without delay, documents certifying the transfer to the President through the racecourse general manager, or, the training center general manager.
(Exceptional Provisions for Designated Exchange Races)
Art. 28 The racehorse registration conducted for National Racing Designated Exchange Races shall be effective only for the National Racing Designated Exchange Races concerned.
2. If an owner who intends to enter a horse having undergone Regional Racehorse Registration for National Racing Designated Exchange Races desires to undergo racehorse registration of the JRA for the horse concerned, he/she must submit an application form accompanied by the written certification of the NAR's racehorse registration, as prescribed by the President, notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph 2 of Article 18.
3. The provisions of the latter part of Article 20, the provisions of Item 10, Paragraph 1 of Article 21, the provisions of Article 22 and the provisions of Paragraph 1 of Article 25 shall not apply to the racehorse registration conducted for National Racing Designated Exchange Races provided in the preceding Paragraph.
4. The provisions of Item 2, Paragraph 1 of Article 24 shall not apply to a horse having undergone racehorse registration of the JRA, as well as Regional Racehorse Registration with the aim of running in Regional Public Racing Designated Exchange Races.
5. The provisions of Paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 14 shall not apply to a Partnership Horse having undergone racehorse registration with the aim of running in National Racing Designated Exchange Races.
(Exceptional Provisions for International Races)
Art. 29 The racehorse registration conducted for International Races shall be effective only for the International Races concerned.
2. If an owner of a Designated Overseas-Trained Horse desires to undergo racehorse registration of the JRA in regards to the horse concerned to enter the horse for International Races, he/she must submit an application form accompanied by the export certificate of the horse issued by an authoritative horse racing organization or the horse's passport, as prescribed by the President, notwithstanding the provisions of Article 18.
3. The provisions of Item 3 of Article 17, the provisions of Item 5 and 11, Paragraph 1 of Article 21, the provisions of Article 22, and the provisions of Paragraph 1 of Article 25 shall not apply to the racehorse registration conducted for International Races provided in the preceding Paragraph.
4. The provisions of Paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 14 shall not apply to a Partnership Horse having undergone racehorse registration with the aim of running in International Races.
Art. 30 Registration of racing colors shall be conducted by describing the following mentioned items in the registry book of racing colors.
- (1)Racing colors
- (2)Name of owner
- (3)Registration number and date of registration
(Application for Registration)
Art. 31 An owner who desires to undergo registration of racing colors must submit to the President, an application form describing the racing colors and accompanied by a registration fee of 3,000 yen.
2. In the event an application is made under the preceding Paragraph, the racing color shall be registered unless the registration is refused according to the following Paragraph.
3. Registration of the racing colors described in the application form shall be refused in the event it is deemed that there is a violation of restrictions under the provisions from the following Article to Article 36.
(Restriction on Racing Colors)
Art. 32 Only one kind of racing colors shall be registered for one owner.
Art. 33 Registration of racing colors shall be conducted for body and sleeve as one set.
Art. 34 A racing color other than the following 13 standard colors prescribed by the JRA shall not be used as racing colors; red, pink, yellow, green, blue, light blue, purple, lilac, brown, maroon, gray, black and white.
Art. 35 No designs other than those in the following mentioned can be used as racing colors:
Art. 36 Two, or more ground colors shall not be used for the body, or, sleeve, or, for the designs under each of the Items of the preceding Article.
(Refusal of Registration)
Art. 37 A racing color which is the same, or, may be confused with racing colors already registered, shall not be registered.
2. Racing colors being the same as the color which was deregistered due to death of the owner shall not be registered until 60 days elapses after the date of deregistration. Provided, however, this does not apply in the event the heir, or, successor to the deceased owner has applied for registration.
(Use of Racing Colors)
Art. 38 An owner who has undergone registration of racing colors must use the registered racing colors in the event he/she runs a horse in a race. Provided, however, in the event Part Owners run a Partnership Horse, the racing colors registered by the Representative Part Owner must be used.
Art. 39 In the event an owner who has undergone registration of racing colors is unable to use the registered racing colors for a compelling reason, the owner can use the racing colors prescribed by the JRA.
2. An owner who has not undergone registration of racing colors must use the racing colors prescribed by the JRA.
3. In case the racing colors prescribed by the JRA under the provisions of the preceding 2 Paragraphs are used, a fee of 500 yen per horse per race shall be charged.
Art. 40 Registration of racing colors shall be deregistered in the event there has been an application for deregistration from an owner whose racing colors have been registered, or, in the event the Owner Registration of the owner concerned has been deregistered.
(Exceptional Provisions for Designated Exchange Races)
Art. 41 The provisions of Paragraph 3 of Article 39 shall not apply to the case where an owner intending to enter a horse having undergone Regional Racehorse Registration for National Racing Designated Exchange Races uses the racing colors prescribed by the JRA under the provisions of Paragraphs 1 and 2 of the same Article.
(Exceptional Provisions for International Races)
Art. 42 The registration of racing colors conducted for International Races shall be effective only for International Races.
2. In case an owner ( exclusive of an owner registered under the provisions of Article 16 ) runs a Designated Overseas-Trained Horse in International Races and desires to undergo registration of racing colors of the JRA for his/her racing colors used in horse races held overseas, he/she must submit an application form accompanied by the registration fee of 3,000 yen, as prescribed by the President, notwithstanding the provisions of Article 31. In this case, the provisions of Article 32 shall not apply.
3. If a person having undergone Owner Registration under the provisions of Article 16 desires to undergo registration of racing colors of the JRA for his/her racing colors used in horse races held overseas with the aim of using the racing colors in International Races, he/she must submit an application form accompanied by a registration fee of 3,000 yen, as prescribed by the President, notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph 1 of Article 31.
4. The provisions of Articles 34 to 37 shall not apply to the registration of racing colors conducted for International Races provided in the preceding 2 Paragraphs.
5. The provisions of Paragraph 3 of Article 39 shall not apply to the case where a person having undergone Owner Registration under the provisions of Article 16 uses the racing colors prescribed by the JRA under the provisions of Paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 39.
(Licensing of Trainer, or, Jockey)
Art. 43 The licensing of a trainer, or, a jockey shall be conducted for a person passing the license examination for a trainer under the provisions of the following Article and Article 45, or, the license examination for a jockey given for each category of flat race and steeplechase race under the provisions of the same Articles. In this case, a person who has passed the license examinations for both a trainer and a jockey, the person shall be licensed for only 1 that he/she desires between the 2.
(License Examination for Trainer, or, Jockey)
Art. 44 The license examinations for a trainer, or, a jockey shall be conducted not exceeding 2 times each year. Provided, however, special examinations (hereinafter referred to as Special Examinations) may be conducted for those who have been licensed for training, or, riding horses in a foreign country.
2. In case of the preceding Paragraph, the license examinations for a jockey shall be conducted for each category of flat race and steeplechase race.
3. In the event license examinations for a trainer, or, a jockey are to be conducted, the JRA shall publicly announce the place, date, time, application procedure and other details concerned with the examinations in the official bulletin published by the JRA not later than 20 days before the date of the examination. Provided, however, in case of Special Examinations, the person concerned shall be notified as the occasion arises.
4. In regards to a license examination for a trainer, unless a person is 28-years-old, or more, he/she cannot take the respective examinations and in regards to a license examination for a jockey, unless a person is 16-years-old, or more, he/she cannot take the respective examinations. Provided, however, this shall not apply to a person under 28-years-old who has been licensed in a foreign country in regards to the training of horses and deemed as suitable by the President.
5. The license examinations for a trainer, or, a jockey shall be conducted in regards to the following mentioned items. Provided, however, a part of the examination items may be omitted with a person who has been, or, had been licensed as a trainer, or, a jockey in National Racing, or when a person has been licensed concerned with training, or, riding of horses in a foreign country, or, in regards to a person who desires to undergo jockey examinations for 2, or more, kinds of races together in case jockey examinations are held together for 2, or more, kinds of races.
- (1)Health
- (2)Academic ability
- (3)Character
- (4)Training, or, riding
Art. 45 The business in regards to license examinations for a trainer, or, a jockey shall be conducted by the License Examination Committee.
2. The License Examination Committee of the preceding Paragraph, shall be composed of licensing examiners appointed by the President from among the officers or the officials of the JRA.
(Ineligibility for Trainer, or, Jockey)
Art. 46 A person who falls under any one of the following Items cannot receive a license for a trainer, or, a jockey.
- (1)A person who cannot appropriately form perceptions, make decisions, or conduct communication required for his or her horses to enter races in a proper manner due to disorder of their mental faculties
- (2)A person who has been sentenced to a punishment of imprisonment without work or heavier
- (3)A person who has been punished with a fine in violation of the provisions of the Law, the Japan Racing Association Law, the Bicycle Race Law, the Motorcycle Racing Law or the Motorboat Racing Law
- (4)A person who has been prohibited or suspended from participating in horse racing conducted by the JRA, the forty-seven prefectures, or, the designated municipalities under the provisions of Item 4, Paragraph 1 of Article 10 of the Ordinance
- (5)A person for whom there is a sufficient reason to deem that this person may commit, as a group, or, habitually, a violent and illegal act and other crimes mentioned in the Items of Article 1 of the enforcement regulations of the law on prevention of gangsters' injustice
- (6)A member of the JRA Board of Governors
- (7)An officer, or, an official of the JRA
- (8)An owner
- (9)A person who has had his/her license canceled under the provisions of Articles 52 or 53 by falling under Item 3 of Article 52 (limited to the portion concerned with Items 2 or 3), or, Items 2 or 3 of Article 53 and 5 years have not elapsed from the date of cancellation
- (10)A person, in addition to those prescribed in each of the preceding Items, for whom there is a sufficient reason to deem that this person will endanger ensuring the implementation of impartial and safe horse racing
(Application Procedure for Examination)
Art. 47 A person who desires to take a license examination for a trainer, or, a jockey must submit, or, present to the JRA, as prescribed by the President, an application form accompanied by documents mentioned in each of the following Items. Provided, however, in case a person who has been licensed as a trainer, or, a jockey in National Racing desires to take a license examination for a trainer, or, a jockey, his/her application need not be accompanied by the documents mentioned in Item 4.
- (1)A certificate certifying the described items in the resident card (in case the applicant is non-resident of Japan, a passport)
- (2)A document describing that he/she does not fall under Item 1 of the preceding Article and as specified as the following, according to the applicant's classification listed below:
- (a)A person who has not been licensed as a trainer, or, a jockey of National Racing (license limited to the holder of a valid license for a period of one year starting from the day of licensing and those actually in effect: hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article and the following Article): A document affixed with the signature that he/she does not fall under Item 1 of the preceding Article)
- (b)A person who has been licensed as a trainer, or, a jockey of National Racing (exclusive of an alien): An identification certificate issued by the head of the municipality of the permanent domicile.
- (c)An alien who has been licensed as a trainer, or, a jockey of National Racing: A document affixed with the signature describing that he/she does not fall under Item 1 of the preceding Article.
- (3)A document affixed with the signature describing that he/she does not fall under Items 2 or 3 of the preceding Article
- (4)Personal history
- (5)Photograph
- (6)Any other documents deemed necessary by the President
(Submitting of Family Register, etc.)
Art. 48 A person who has passed the license examination (exclusive of Special Examination) for a trainer, or, jockey (exclusive of a person who has received a license as a trainer, or, jockey in National Racing; hereinafter referred to as Successful Applicant), must submit to the President the following mentioned documents immediately after passing the examination.
- (1)Family register(In case a Successful Applicant is an alien, a copy of his/her resident register)
- (2)An identification certificate issued by the head of the municipality of the permanent domicile (in case a Successful Applicant is an alien, a document in which he/she pledges that he/she does not fall under Item 1 of Article 46).
- (3)Any documents, other than those listed in the preceding Paragraph, as deemed necessary by the President.
(Issue of License Card)
Art. 49 A license card shall be issued to a licensed trainer or jockey.
2. The JRA shall charge a license fee of 3,000 yen upon issuance of the license card in the preceding Paragraph. Provided, however, in regards to a person who has passed Special Examinations and has been separately designated by the President, the license fee shall not be charged.
(Term of Validity of License)
Art. 50 The term of validity of a license shall be for one year from the day of licensing (in regards to the licensing of a person who has passed Special Examinations, a period deemed necessary by the President within a period of 3 months, or, less from the day of licensing).
2. Among trainer’s licenses which have actually been granted (excluding the licensing of a person who has passed Special Examinations), the term of validity of the license of a trainer who is not to obtain a trainer’s or jockey’s license after the term of validity provided in the preceding Paragraph expires shall be extended until the first Tuesday coming after the date on which the term of validity provided in the preceding Paragraph expires (hereinafter referred to as the “Expiry Date”) if it falls under any one of the following Items.
- (1)In the event the Expiry Date is a Thursday, Friday or Saturday.
- (2)In the event, due to an act of providence, or, other compelling reason, a meeting day within the term of validity of the license is to be altered to a date after the Expiry Date (limited to a day which is a Sunday or Monday) and on or before the first Tuesday coming after the relevant Expiry Date.
3. Among jockey’s licenses which have actually been granted (excluding the licensing of a person who has passed Special Examinations), the term of validity of the license of a jockey who is not to obtain a trainer’s or a jockey’s license after the term of validity provided in Paragraph 1 shall be extended until the first Tuesday coming after the Expiry Date if a meeting day within the term of validity of the license is to be altered to a date after the Expiry Date due to an act of providence, or, other compelling reason, and in the event it falls under any one of the following Items.
- (1)In the event the Expiry Date is a Sunday, Monday, Friday or Saturday.
- (2)In the event the meeting day before the date was altered is a day coming on or after the last Friday which is on or before the Expiry Date.
- (3)In the event the meeting day after the date was altered is a day which is on or before the first Tuesday coming after the Expiry Date.
(Notification Including Alteration of Described Items in the License Card)
Art. 51 In the event a trainer, or, a jockey has changed his/her permanent domicile, domicile, or, name, he/she must submit, or, present, to the JRA, as prescribed by the President, a written notification accompanied by the license card and the documents mentioned in each of the following Items.
- (1)In case of a change in permanent domicile, or, name, a certified excerpt copy of the family register (in case of an alien, a document certifying the described items in the original alien registration or a passport provided in Item 1 of Article 47)
- (2)In case of a change in domicile, a certificate certifying the described items in the resident card (in case of an alien, a document certifying the described items of the original alien registration provided in Item 1 of Article 47)
2. In the event a trainer, or, a jockey falls under any one of Items 1 to 3 of Article 46, he/she shall notify the President to that effect without delay.
(Cancellation of License)
Art. 52 In the event a trainer, or, a jockey falls under any one of the following Items, his/her license shall be canceled.
- (1)In the event of death
- (2)In the event an application has been made for cancellation of license
- (3)In the event he/she falls under any one of the provisions from Items 1 to 4, or, Items 6 to 8 of Article 46
Art. 53 In the event a trainer, or, a jockey falls under any one of the following Items, his/her license may be canceled.
- (1)In the event it becomes clear that he/she is a person for whom there is a sufficient reason to deem that this person may commit, as a group, or, habitually, a violent and illegal act and other crimes mentioned in each of the Items of Article 1 of the enforcement regulations of the law on prevention of gangsters' injustice
- (2)In the event it becomes clear that he/she has undergone licensing as a trainer, or, a jockey through a dishonest method
- (3)In the event he/she has forged, or, altered, or, has allowed another person to use the trainer license card, or, the jockey license card
- (4)In the event he/she trains, or, rides a horse in Regional Public Racing, or, in the event he/she runs a horse in a Regional Public Racing race
- (5)In the event he/she is no longer appropriate as a trainer, or, a jockey due to physical trouble
- (6)In addition to what is prescribed in Item 3 of the preceding Article and each of the preceding Items, in the event it becomes clear that, as a trainer, or, a jockey is a person for whom there is a sufficient reason to deem that he/she will endanger ensuring the implementation of impartial and safe horse racing
(Obligatory Duty)
Art. 54 In the event a trainer runs a horse under his/her management, he/she must conduct his/her activities as a trainer at the racecourse concerned. Provided, however, this does not apply in the event a trainer is unable to conduct his/her activities at the racecourse concerned due to sickness, or, other compelling reason and permission has been obtained from the Steward of the Meeting.
2. In case of the proviso of the preceding Paragraph, the trainer concerned shall entrust to another trainer, or, to a training assistant or groom designated by the JRA and employed by the trainer concerned, the activities of the trainer to be conducted between the time the horse concerned is led into the saddling enclosure till the end of the race (in case the horse concerned falls under as provided in Paragraph 1 of Article 134, until the completion of signature as provided in Paragraph 7 of the same Article).
3. The trainer must immediately report to the Steward of the Meeting with a document attached describing the following Items, in the event he/she, under the provisions of the preceding Paragraph, entrusts the activities of the trainer concerning the horse concerned to another trainer, or, entrusts the business concerned to a training assistant or groom.
- (1)The name of the horse concerned
- (2)The reason for the inability to conduct his/her activities at the racecourse
- (3)The name of the trainer who has been entrusted, or of the entrusted training assistant or groom, and the seal used by such person or the signature of that person in connection with said activities
(Duty to Report by Trainer)
Art. 55 In the event a trainer concludes, or, terminates a training contract with the owner of a horse, the trainer must report this fact to the President, through the racecourse general manager, or, the training center general manager.
(Training Assistant, etc.)
Art. 56 Each year, a trainer may employ a training assistant to assist in the training of horses upon obtaining the approval of the President.
2. In the event a trainer who desires to receive the approval under the provisions of the preceding Paragraph, he/she must submit, as prescribed by the President, an application form to the President through the racecourse general manager, or, the training center general manager, accompanied by a certificate certifying the described items in the resident card, personal history and documents describing items of reference of the person the trainer is about to employ as a training assistant.
3. In the event of receiving the approval under the provisions of Paragraph 1, the trainer must submit, without delay, to the President through the racecourse general manager, or, the training center general manager, a certified excerpt copy of the family register and documents deemed necessary by the President for the training assistant concerned. Provided, however, in regards to a person who was a training assistant in the preceding year, the certified excerpt copy of the family register need not be submitted.
Art. 57 A trainer can employ a jockey candidate to assist in the training, or, the feeding and the care of horses upon receiving the approval of the President and also can have him/her acquire riding technique.
2. In the event a trainer who desires to receive the approval under the provisions of the preceding Paragraph, he/she must submit, as prescribed by the President, an application form to the President through the racecourse general manager, or, the training center general manager, accompanied by a certificate certifying the described items in the resident card, personal history, a written consent from a person with parental authority and documents describing items of reference of the person the trainer is about to employ as a jockey candidate.
3. In the event of receiving the approval under the provisions of Paragraph 1, the trainer must submit, without delay, to the President, through the racecourse general manager, or, the training center general manager, a certified excerpt copy of the family register and documents deemed necessary by the President for the jockey candidate concerned.
Art. 58 A trainer can employ a groom to assist in the feeding and the care of horses in addition to as provided in the preceding 2 Articles.
2. In the event a trainer desires to employ a groom under the provisions of the preceding Paragraph, he/she must receive the approval of the racecourse general manager, or, the training center general manager by reporting the name and date of birth.
3. In the event of receiving the approval under the provisions of the preceding Paragraph, the trainer must submit, without delay, to the racecourse general manager, or, the training center general manager concerned, a certified excerpt copy of the family register, a copy of the resident card and documents deemed necessary by the racecourse general manager, or, the training center general manager of the groom concerned. Provided, however, a certified excerpt copy of the family register need not be submitted in the event the groom concerned was once employed by another trainer possessing a license of the JRA.
(Prohibition of Side-Trade by Jockey)
Art. 59 A jockey must not, under whatever name, accept a horse from an owner for the purpose of training.
(Collection of Reports, etc., to Maintain Fairness of Horse Racing)
Art. 59-2 In the event it is deemed necessary to maintain the fair implementation of horse racing, the JRA may request trainers, jockeys, training assistants, jockey candidates, or, grooms to report or submit necessary documents.
Art. 60 If a trainer licensed by the NAR desires to obtain a trainer's license of the JRA with the aim of running in National Racing Designated Exchange Races and if a jockey licensed by the NAR desires to obtain a jockey's license of the JRA with the aim of running in National Racing Designated Exchange Races, the trainer and the jockey must apply for the respective licenses as prescribed by the President.
2. If an application stated in the preceding Paragraph is submitted, the trainer or jockey licensed by the NAR concerned shall be exempted from the license examination and will be licensed by the JRA, notwithstanding the provisions of Article 43.
3. The trainer’s and jockey’s licenses provided in the preceding Paragraph shall be effective only for the National Racing Designated Exchange Races concerned, notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph 1 of Article 50.
4. The provisions of Item 4 of Article 53 shall not apply to the trainers and jockeys licensed under the provisions of Paragraph 2.
5. Regional Public Racing Designated Exchange Races shall not fall under the category of "a race of Regional Public Racing" stated in Item 4 of Article 53.
Art. 61 The license fees shall not be charged for the trainer's and jockey's licenses provided in Paragraph 2 of the preceding Article, notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph 2 of Article 49.
(Exceptional Provisions for Training Assistant, etc.)
Art. 62 If a trainer licensed under the provisions of Article 60 desires to employ an assistant for training or feeding a horse having undergone Regional Racehorse Registration with the aim of running in National Racing Designated Exchange Races, the trainer must submit an application to obtain the President's approval, as prescribed by the President, notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 56 or Paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 58.
2. The provisions of Paragraph 3 of Article 56 or Paragraph 3 of Article 58 shall not apply to a trainer who employs a training assistant or a groom after obtaining the approval under the provisions of the preceding Paragraph.
(Exceptional Provisions for International Races)
Art. 63 As for the application of the provisions of Paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 56 or the application of the provisions of Paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 58 to the case where the trainer of a Designated Overseas-Trained Horse desires to employ an assistant for training or feeding the horse concerned with the aim of running the horse in International Races, "Each year, a trainer may employ a training assistant to assist in the training of horses upon obtaining the approval of the President." in Paragraph 1 of Article 56 shall be changed to "A trainer may employ a training assistant to assist in the training of horses upon obtaining the approval of the President.", "a certificate certifying the described items in the resident card, personal history and documents describing Items of reference" in Paragraph 2 of the same Article to "the copies of the passport and visa", "to the President of the JRA, through the racecourse general manager, or, the training center general manager" in the same Paragraph of the same Article to "to the President of the JRA", and "receive the approval of the racecourse general manager, or, the training center general manager by reporting the name, date of birth," in Paragraph 2 of Article 58 to "submit, as prescribed by the President, an application form accompanied by copies of the passport and visa,", respectively.
2. The provisions of Paragraph 3 of Article 56 or Paragraph 3 of Article 58 shall not apply to a trainer who employs a training assistant or a groom after obtaining the approval under the provisions of the preceding Paragraph.
(Track Used in Flat Race)
Art. 64 A flat race shall be conducted on a track which is 1,600 meters, or more in length and 20 meters, or more in width. Provided, however, in case the President deems especially necessary, a race may be held on a track other than the track in this Paragraph.
2. The length of the track in the text of the preceding Paragraph shall be measured along the line 1 meter outward from the inside rail and the width is the distance measured from the inside rail to the outside rail.
Art. 65 The obstacles used for a steeplechase race shall consist of fixed and movable obstacles.
2. Items connected with the height of the obstacle, the width of the water ditch and other obstacles shall be prescribed in the program of the following Article.
Art. 66 The following mentioned items shall be prescribed in the program.
- (1)Name of racecourse conducting the horse racing concerned
- (2)Meeting day
- (3)The number, kind, name, distance, race qualification, weight, safety factor, amount of prize money, and post time for each race of each meeting day
- (4)Items concerning nomination (registration for races prescribed in Paragraph 1 of Article 18 of the Law (hereinafter referred to as Stakes Race), hereinafter the same shall apply) and other items necessary to the conduct of horse racing
2. The program shall be publicly announced in the official bulletin published by the JRA not later than 20 days before the first day of the horse racing concerned. Provided, however, the qualifications to race and the weight in a program can be publicly announced not later than 5 days from the date the race concerned is to be held.
(Change of Described Items in the Program)
Art. 67 In the event of an act of providence, or, other compelling reason, a change can be made in the items mentioned in Items 2 to 4, Paragraph 1 of the preceding Article.
(Number of Races)
Art. 68 The number of races shall not exceed 12 a day.
(Kind of Races)
Art. 69 The kind of races are; thoroughbred flat races and thoroughbred steeplechase races.
(Distance of Race)
Art. 70 The distance in flat races shall be 800 meters, or more for 2-year-old horses and 1,000 meters, or more for horses 3-year-olds & up.
2. The distance in steeplechase races shall be 2,000 meters, or more.
Art. 71 Weights shall be the following mentioned 3 kinds.
- (1)Weight for age
- (2)Weight prescribed by handicap
- (3)Weight calculated by age, sex, amount of earnings, number of wins and other conditions as prescribed in the program
(Weight for Age)
Art. 72 The weight for age in flat races, as provided in Item 1 of the preceding Article (hereinafter referred to as Weight for Age), shall be as prescribed in the following Table. Provided, however, in case meeting days continue for 2 days, or more (exclusive of meeting days after alternation in case the date of the meeting days have been altered due to an act of providence, or, other compelling reason), in regards to a horse for which the Weight for Age is to be altered as prescribed in the same Table on the first day and other days of these meeting days, the weight according to the same Table as of the first day concerned shall be regarded as the Weight for Age of that horse on these meeting days.
Category |
2 y. o. |
3 y. o. |
Up to September |
From October to December |
Colt & Gelding |
55kg |
56kg |
57kg |
Filly |
55kg |
(Weight for Southern Hemisphere Horses)
Art. 73 In regards to in case a horse, born in the Southern Hemisphere in between the period from July 1 to December 31, starts in a flat race (exclusive of a race for which the weight is prescribed by handicap), the weight of the horse shall be the weight after the weight prescribed in the program has been deducted from the weight prescribed under the provisions of Article 71.
(Handling of Weight for Age when Meeting Days are Changed)
Art. 73-2 In the event that a meeting day is changed due to an act of providence or other compelling reason, the way in which Weight for Age and weight as prescribed in the preceding Article are to be handled on the new meeting day shall be specified in the program.
(Weight Allowance for Jockey)
Art. 74 In case a jockey set forth in each of the following Items rides in a race which is neither a Stakes Race nor a race that prescribes weights according to handicaps (in the case of jockeys specified in Items (2)(a) and (3), only when riding in a flat race, and in the case of jockeys specified in Items (2)(b), and (4), only when riding in a steeplechase race), the weight prescribed under the provisions of Article 71 (inclusive of those prescribed under the provisions of the preceding two Articles; the same shall apply hereinafter in this Article) shall be decreased by the weight prescribed in the program.
- (1)Female jockeys (Female jockeys refer to those women who have passed the license examination stipulated in the provisions of Article 44, Paragraph 1, and to whom the jockey's license has been issued, in addition to those women to whom the jockey's license has been issued in accordance with the provisions of Article 60 (limited to those women who have passed the license examination stipulated in the provisions of Article 21, Paragraph 1 of the Regulations which are applied mutatis mutandis to Article 45, Paragraph 6 of the Regulations, and to whom the license of the Association has been issued)).
- (2)Apprentice jockey in National Racing (JRA) (who, from among persons granted a jockey's license by passing the license examination provided in the main text of Paragraph 1 of Article 44, has ridden for a total period of less than 5 years with a jockey's license from the JRA, NAR or a foreign horse racing authority, who is specified in (a) or (b) below with respect to the type of race for which the jockey's license is issued)
- (a)Flat race: A jockey with 100 or fewer wins in flat races
- (b)Steeplechase race: A jockey with 20 or fewer wins in steeplechase races
- (3) Apprentice jockey in Regional Public Racing (NAR) (who, from among persons granted a jockey’s license under the provisions of Article 60, has 100 or fewer wins in flat races and has ridden for a total period of less than 5 years with a jockey’s license from the JRA, NAR or a foreign horse racing authority)
- (4) New jockey in steeplechase racing (who, from among persons granted a jockey's license by passing the license examination provided in the main text of Paragraph 1 of Article 44 (exclusive of persons who fall under Item 2), has ridden for a period of less than 5 years since the day of their first ride in a steeplechase race, and who has achieved 20 or fewer wins in steeplechase races.)
2. In the event the weight is decreased under the provisions of the preceding Paragraph, the handling of the weight to be decreased from the weight prescribed under the provisions of Article 71 in case of a female jockey set forth in Item 1, an apprentice jockey set forth in Item 2 or Item 3, or a new jockey in steeplechase racing set forth in Item 4 of the same Paragraph shall be prescribed in the program.
3. The number of wins in the cases set forth in Item 2 or Item 4 Paragraph 1 shall be the number of 1st places earned by the jockey concerned, riding in races set forth in each of the following Items (in case of the races set forth in Item 2 and Item 3, limited to the races in which the jockey rode a horse which had undergone racehorse registration), from the day of the jockey’s first ride till the day before the deadline for declaration to start in the race concerned.
- (1)Races of National Racing
- (2)Regional Public Racing Designated Exchange Races
- (3)Races of foreign horse racing designated by the President
4. The number of wins in the cases set forth in Item 3 of Paragraph 1 shall be the number of 1st places earned by the jockey concerned, riding in races set forth in each of the following Items (in case of the races set forth in Item 3, limited to the races in which the jockey rode a horse which had undergone Regional Racehorse Registration), from the day of the jockey's first ride until the day before the deadline for declaration to start in the race concerned.
- (1)Races of National Racing
- (2)Races of Regional Public Racing
- (3)Races of foreign horse racing
5. In regards to the period in the cases set forth from Item 2 to Item 4 of Paragraph 1, if an extension of the period is deemed appropriate, it shall be extended within a scope not exceeding 1 week following the day on which said period expires, and the corresponding standard shall be prescribed in the program.
(Minimum Weight)
Art. 75 The minimum weight in a flat race shall be 50 kilograms (in a race designated in the program, 49 kilograms).
2. The minimum weight in a steeplechase race shall be 56 kilograms for 3-year-old horses and 57 kilograms for horses 4 years old and over.
3. In case the weight prescribed under the provisions of Article 71 and the preceding three Articles is less than the minimum weight set forth in the preceding two Paragraphs, the weight set forth in the preceding two Paragraphs shall be the weight.
Art. 76 A person who desires to run a horse owned by him/her in a Stakes Race (in case the owner is an Association, a horse which is included in its properties), he/she must undergo nomination by submitting an application form describing the following mentioned items (in case the horse has undergone racehorse registration, the items mentioned in Items 1 and 3) accompanied by a nomination fee.
- (1)The name of the horse
- (2)The sex, age and the kind and names of the sire and dam of the horse concerned
- (3)The name of the horse owner, or, the unregistered owner (in case the owner is a part owner, the name of the Representative Part Owner, in case the unregistered owner is a corporation, the name of the corporation), or the trainer who has been designated as a representative by the horse owner under the provision of Paragraph 1 of Article 13.
2. The place and deadline of the application for nomination, the conditions of the nomination and the amount of nomination fee shall be prescribed in the program.
3. The nomination fee may be collected in installments. In this case, the amount to be paid in installments and the payment deadline shall be prescribed in the program.
Art. 77 The nomination fee already collected under the provisions of the preceding Article shall not be refunded. Provided, however, this shall not apply in case this falls under any one of the following Items.
- (1)In case the Stakes Race is not held
- (2)In case the horse has been excluded as a horse which can run in a Stakes Race under the provisions of Paragraph 1 of Article 85
- (3)In case the Stakes Race becomes invalid under the provisions of Article 122
- (4)As prescribed in the program, a horse which has been disqualified under the provisions of Paragraph 2 of Article 128, a horse whose order of finish has been changed under the provisions of Paragraphs 1 or 2 of Article 130, or, a horse whose disqualification ruling, or, whose ruling has been canceled under the provisions of Paragraph 3 of Article 151, or, Paragraph 3 of Article 153 who can no longer run in that Stakes Race
Art. 78 In case the matters described in the application pursuant to the provisions of Article 76 (inclusive of the matters provided under Item 2, Paragraph 1 of Article 76 if the horse that is the subject of the application concerned has undergone racehorse registration; the same shall apply to the following Paragraph) is deemed not true and correct, the registration shall be refused; and in case the matters described in an application that has already been registered are found to be not true and correct, the registration shall be canceled.
2. In the event the entry has been canceled under the provisions of the preceding Paragraph, the nomination shall lose its validity from the date of cancellation.
Art. 79 A person who acquires the ownership of a horse which has undergone nomination, can succeed to the rights and liabilities concerning the nomination concerned.
(Examination of Horse Body and Training Condition)
Art. 80 A horse which has not run in a race of National Racing (inclusive of from among the horses as provided in Item 2, Paragraph 1 of Article 25, and which have undergone re-registration of horse name and which have not run since the re-registration concerned.), shall undergo an examination of the horse body and the training condition by a person designated by the President and the horse cannot run in a race without having passed this examination.
2. The horse designated by the Steward of the Meeting shall undergo an examination of the horse body and the training condition by a person designated by the President and the horse cannot run in a race without having passed this examination.
(Running in Race)
Art. 81 A horse must not be run in a race without the will to win.
Art. 82 Horses which are eligible to race in Thoroughbred races shall be light breed colts, fillies and geldings.
Art. 83 A 2-year-old, or, an older horse is eligible to race in a flat race. Provided, however, no 2-year-old horse is eligible to race unless 2 years have elapsed since the date of birth.
2. A 3-year-old, or, an older horse is eligible to race in a steeplechase race. Provided, however, no 3-year-old horse is eligible unless 3 years have elapsed since the date of birth.
3. The age of a horse shall be calculated from January 1 of the year that horse was born.
(Declaration to Start)
Art. 84 In the event an owner desires to run a horse, he/she must make a declaration to start in accordance with the date and time prescribed in the program.
2. In making a declaration to start, the owner concerned must declare the horse in regards to the race concerned by describing in a declaration application by the deadline prescribed in the program, the name of the horse, the name of the jockey and the weight.
3. In regards to races with identical deadlines as prescribed in the program of the preceding Paragraph, an owner shall not declare, in regards to the same horse, for 2, or more races.
4. In the event a declaration has been made for 2, or more races in regards to the same horse, as prescribed in the program, the declaration for one of the races shall be regarded as valid.
5. The declaration to start cannot be cancelled unless it is before the deadline prescribed in Paragraph 2.
(Confirmation of Horses to Run)Art. 85 The Clerk of the Course shall designate all horses declared to start as the horses which can start in the race concerned in case the number of horses declared for a race (inclusive of horses deemed to have submitted a declaration to start pursuant to the provisions of the following Paragraph) does not exceed the maximum numbers of starters for the race concerned (exclusive of horses withdrawn from the race concerned under the standards prescribed in the program), and shall designate a number of horses equivalent to the maximum numbers of starters by drawing lots, or, by other methods as prescribed in the program if the number of horses declared for a race exceeds the maximum numbers of starters for the race concerned.
2. In case the owner of a horse excluded from the horses which can start in the preceding Paragraph, requests that he/she desires to start the horse concerned in another race with an identical deadline as prescribed in the program in Paragraph 2 of the preceding article, notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding Article, it may be deemed that a declaration to start for the horse concerned has been submitted for the intended race through the methods prescribed in the racing program.
3. The provisions of Paragraph 2 to 4 of the preceding Article shall be applied mutatis mutandis to the request in the preceding Paragraph.
4. In regards to horses declared to start in a race pursuant to the provisions in Paragraph 1, the Clerk of the Course shall officially announce without delay the names of the horses, the carrying weights, and the names of the jockeys.
5. The horses to run in a race shall be those confirmed according to the official announcement in the preceding Paragraph.
Art. 86 In regards to horses to run in a race, exclusive of horses that fall under any of the following Items and which the owner has withdrawn from the race concerned, and horses excluded pursuant to the provisions of Paragraph 1 of Article 105, the Clerk of the Course shall determine the horse number by drawing lots, or, by other methods as prescribed in the program on the date and time prescribed in the program, and announce the numbers for the horses concerned without delay.
(Withdrawal from Race)Art. 87 In regards to a horse to run an owner cannot withdraw such a horse unless it falls under the following items.
- (1)In case permission has been given by the Steward of the Meeting upon the submission of documents certifying an accident or disease of the horse (limited to a medical certificate issued by a veterinarian designated by the Executive Steward).
- (2)In case permission has been given by the Steward of the Meeting upon the submission of documents certifying an accident or disease of the jockey (limited to a medical certificate issued by a physician designated by the Executive Steward).
Art. 88 When the owner of a horse to run desires to make a change in jockey, such a change in jockey shall not be possible unless the owner submits documents describing the reason for the change (inclusive of a medical certificate issued by a physician designated by the Executive Steward in case the jockey is ill) and receives permission from the Steward of the Meeting.
2. When an owner makes a change in jockey with permission from the Steward of the Meeting under the provisions of the preceding Paragraph, or, makes a change in jockey under orders from the Steward of the Meeting under the provisions of Article 97, the Clerk of the Course shall officially announce without delay the name of the horse, the weight, and the name of the jockey pertaining to said change.
(Control of Race)
Art. 89 A horse suffering from an infectious disease of domestic animals, a horse diagnosed as a suspected case, or, a horse whose movement has been prohibited under the Law for Prevention of Infectious Diseases of Domestic Animals (1951, Law No. 166) cannot run in a race.
Art. 90 A horse cannot run in a race concerned unless it has been trained by a trainer
Art. 90-2 In regards to conduct that restricts actions that have an effect on horses from the standpoint of maintaining fairness in races and ensuring the welfare of the horse and preventing accidents involving the horses, the Veterinary Officer may order necessary matters or provide instructions to trainers, jockeys, training assistants, jockey candidates, and grooms.
(Obligation to be stabled)
Art. 91 An owner who intends to run a horse which has undergone racehorse registration and which has run in a race prescribed in each of the Items of Paragraph 3 of Article 74 following the registration concerned (hereinafter referred to as a Horse with Previous Racing Experience in this Article), or, a horse which is not a Horse with Previous Racing Experience, may not do so unless the horse has been continuously stabled in the stables managed by the JRA for 10 days or 15 days, respectively, prior to the day of the race concerned.
(Exceptional Provisions for Designated Exchange Races and International Races)
Art. 92 The provisions of Article 90 and of the preceding Article shall not be applied to a horse having undergone Regional Racehorse Registration to run in National Racing Designated Exchange Races and to a Designated Overseas-Trained Horse to run in International Races.
Art. 93 A horse cannot run in a race of National Racing again unless 5 days have elapsed calculated from the day the horse has run in a race of National Racing (in case horses which have run in a Regional Public Racing Designated Exchange Race, the day it ran in the race concerned).
2. In case of running a horse which has undergone Regional Racehorse Registration in a National Racing Designated Exchange Race, it cannot run in the race concerned unless 5 days have elapsed calculated from the day the horse has run in a race of Regional Public Racing just prior to the day the race concerned is to be conducted.
(Equipment, etc.)
Art. 94 Trainers must not run their horses using equipment, etc., determined by the President to pose a risk, etc., in terms of obstructing the implementation of safe horse racing.
Art. 95 Jockeys must not ride in a race while using or wearing items other than whips and other equipment etc., prescribed by the President.
2. Jockeys must not ride in a race without wearing a helmet, safety vest, and other equipment prescribed by the President.
Art. 96 A horse cannot run in a race wearing shoes with calks, or, other devices which may constitute a potential danger to other horses.
(Order for Change of Jockey)
Art. 97 The Steward of the Meeting can order a change of jockey in case of the following mentioned.
- (1)In the event it is deemed dangerous for the jockey to ride in a race
- (2)In the event it is deemed that the jockey may be detrimental to the integrity of the race
(Weighing Out)
Art. 98 In weighing out, the total weight of the jockey, outfit of the jockey concerned (exclusive of whip and safety helmet. The same shall apply in Paragraph 3 of the following Article) and the saddle (inclusive of its accessories, saddle blanket, saddle cloth (exclusive of number cloth)) must be weighed.
Art. 99 A jockey who is to ride in a race must undergo weighing out at the weighing room during the time between 70 minutes before the post time of the first race to be held at the racecourse concerned on the day when the race concerned is to be held and 50 minutes before the post time of the race in which the jockey is to ride in regards to the gross weight of the weight officially announced under the provisions of Paragraph 4 of Article 85 or Paragraph 2 of Article 88 plus 1.0 kilogram which is equivalent to a standard weight of a safety vest (hereinafter referred to as Gross Weight). Provided, however, the jockey can undergo weighing out at a time other than the prescribed time in the event he/she is to newly ride due to a change of jockey, or, in the event of any other case the Clerk of the Scale deems there is a compelling reason.
2. The Clerk of the Scale must immediately announce the net weight of the weight measured under the provisions of the preceding Paragraph minus 1.0 kilogram which is equivalent to a standard weight of a safety vest. In this case, in the event of a fraction less than 0.5 kilogram this shall be discarded and in the event of a fraction which exceeds 0.5 kilogram and is less than 1 kilogram this shall be announced as 0.5 kilogram.
3. In the event of weighing out as mentioned in Paragraph 1, the total weight of the jockey and the outfit of the jockey concerned (hereinafter referred to as Jockey Weight) must be weighed in addition to the items prescribed the same Paragraph.
4. In case there is a change of jockey to ride in a race, in the event the Clerk of the Scale gives permission, the new jockey may ride in the race concerned, notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding Article, by weighing and matching his/her Jockey Weight to the Jockey Weight of which the original jockey weighed for weighing out of the race concerned. In this case, the new jockey shall be deemed by weighing his/her Jockey Weight that he/she has weighed out with the weight of which the original jockey weighed for weighing out.
Art. 100 In a race, a jockey must carry the Gross Weight. Provided, however, this shall not apply if the weight obtained pursuant to the provisions of Paragraph 1 of the preceding Article or as prescribed in Paragraph 5 of Article 104 exceeds the Gross Weight by less than 1 kilogram, and the Steward of the Meeting deems there is a compelling reason.
2. In the case of the proviso of the preceding Paragraph, the jockey must ride carrying the weight measured pursuant to the provisions of Paragraph 1 of the preceding Article, or the weight equal to the sum of the saddle weight obtained pursuant to Paragraph 5 of Article 104 and the Jockey Weight obtained pursuant to Paragraph 2 of the same article.
(Saddling Enclosure)
Art. 101 A trainer must bring into the saddling enclosure the horse he/she is about to run in a race not later than 60 minutes (or at times designated in the program in case of a race designated in the program) before post time of the race concerned.
2. Before saddling a horse brought into the saddling enclosure by a trainer under to the provisions of the preceding Paragraph, the saddle to be put on such horse must be weighed (hereinafter referred to as Weighing of Saddle) in order to ensure that the weight of such saddle is equal to the weight at which the jockey who is about to ride such horse is weighed out for the race, less the jockey's weight measured at the time of such weighing out. In this case, the weighing of saddle shall be conducted in the weighing room when the jockey is weighed out under Article 98 if the saddling is conducted before bringing the horse into the saddling enclosure upon the permission of the Veterinary Officer in the presence of a person designated by the Veterinary Officer.
Art. 102 A Veterinary Officer shall prescribe the items necessary for the management of the horses in the saddling enclosure.
Art. 103 A trainer must bring his/her horse from the saddling enclosure to the paddock following the orders by the Clerk of the Course.
Art. 104 A jockey, in regards to the race concerned, must appear in the paddock at the time prescribed by the Clerk of the Course. Provided, however, this does not apply in the event the Clerk of the Course deems there is a compelling reason.
2. Promptly after the gathering mentioned in the preceding Paragraph, in regards to the weight of the jockeys, jockeys shall undergo weighing and it shall be confirmed that the weight of the jockeys concerned does not diverge from the Jockey Weight obtained under the provisions of Paragraph 3 of Article 99.
3. In case a jockey will ride in the race concerned, unless specifically approved by the Steward of the Meeting, the jockey may not engage in conduct that risks affecting his/her weight after having undergone the weighing prescribed in the preceding Paragraph.
4. A jockey shall not adjust the weight of a saddle after the saddle has been weighed. Provided, however, in the event the Clerk of the Scale deems, as a result of weighing the Jockey Weight prescribed in Paragraph 2, there is a compelling reason to adjust the weight of the saddle concerned so that the jockey concerned will ride with the weight he/she weighed out, the jockey may adjust the weight of the saddle.
5. When the weight of a saddle that has undergone Weighing of the Saddle, or the weight of a saddle adjusted according to the preceding Paragraph, is added to the Jockey Weight, and the sum exceeds the Gross Weight as obtained according to the provisions of Paragraph 2, and that sum is in excess by more than 0.5 kilograms, that sum minus the 1 kg estimated average weight of a protective vest, must be announced promptly by the Clerk of the Scale. In this case, if the weight is in excess by a fraction of less than 0.5 kilogram, the fraction shall be rounded down. If the weight is in excess by more than 0.5 kilograms but less than 1 kilogram, the fraction will be announced as 0.5 kilograms.
6. Jockeys must enter the course riding at a walk, as prescribed by the Clerk of the Course.
(Exclusion from Race)
Art. 105 The Steward of the Meeting can exclude the horse concerned from a race in case the horse falls under any one of the following Items.
- (1)In case a trainer has violated the provisions of Articles 133 or 101, or, when the trainer, jockey, training assistant, jockey candidate, or, groom did not obey the orders, or, instructions given by a Veterinary Officer under the provisions of Paragraph 3 of Article 132, or, the items prescribed by the Veterinary Officer under the provisions of Article 102.
- (2)In case it is deemed a jockey is unable to ride due to an accident, or, disease and in case it is impossible to change a jockey
- (3)In case a horse is deemed unsuitable to run due to an accident, or, disease
- (4)Other than those mentioned in the preceding 3 Items, in case it is necessary to maintain the fairness of races
2. The Starter can exclude the horse concerned from a race in case the horse falls under any one of the following Items.
- (1)In case a horse cannot start due to an accident, or, disease of the horse
- (2)In case it is deemed that a start will be delayed due to wild behavior and other marked unruly habit, or, that it will endanger other horses
- (3)Other than those mentioned in the preceding 2 Items, in case it is deemed necessary to assure a fair start
3. In the event a horse has been excluded from a race under the provisions of the preceding Paragraph, the Starter shall immediately notify the Steward of the Meeting to that effect.
Art. 106 A jockey, after entering the track, must walk his horse at a walking gait and pass in front of the steward's stand.
2. Unless under permission of the Starter, a person must not lead a horse by the bridle after entering the track.
3. In the event permission is not given by a Starter, a jockey who has entered the track cannot dismount.
4. In the event a signal to assemble has been given by a Starter, the jockey shall promptly assemble his/her horse at the starting point.
5. The jockey, by obeying the instructions of the Starter, must enter his/her horse in the starting gate stall as prescribed in advance.
Art. 107 A horse must be started from a standstill.
Art. 108 In regards to a horse a Starter deems that there is a danger that it can cause injury, or, disadvantage to another horse, the Starter can have a person hold the horse at a standstill, or, start the horse from an outer post position.
2. In case a Starter deems that the starting stall can no longer be used because of damaged front doors as a result of a lunging horse and for other reasons, the horse that was to be started from this starting stall can be started from an outer post position.
Art. 109 The Starter shall give the starting signal using the starting gate.
2. In case a Starter deems that a starting signal was not authentic, the Starter shall indicate this by waving a red flag horizontally and, in the event this indication is made, the assistant of the Starter stationed forward of the starting line shall indicate that the starting signal was not authentic by waving a white flag horizontally.
3. When the white flag prescribed in the preceding Paragraph is displayed, the jockeys shall promptly assemble their horse at the starting point.
4. After the jockeys have assembled their horse at the starting point under the provisions of the preceding Paragraph, the Starter shall once again give the starting signal prescribed in Paragraph 1.
Art. 110 In case a jockey falls under any one of the following Items, the Starter must notify the Steward of the Meeting, without delay, the name of the jockey and the item he/she falls under.
- (1)In case a jockey, before the starting signal is given, attempts to gain a starting advantage by dashing, or, commits other similar acts, or, causes delay in starting
- (2)In case a jockey makes a slow start
- (3)In case a jockey fails to start a horse even after the starting signal has been given
Art. 111 In a race, a jockey must run his/her horse on its own merits.
Art. 112 A jockey must not make his/her horse enter the course of a following horse unless there is a margin of 2 lengths, or more from the end of the buttocks of his/her horse to the nose tip of the following horse.
2. A jockey must not cross, or, weave during a race without justifiable reason.
3. In the homestretch, a jockey, once he/she has chosen his/her running course must not change his/her direction up to the finish line without justifiable reason.
4. During a race, a jockey must not push against, or, jostle another horse, or, jump obstacles diagonally.
5. During a race, a jockey must not force his/her way in between other horses, or, in between other horse and the rail, or, pass those aforementioned horses when there is not sufficient space.
Art. 113 During a race, a jockey must not make a loud voice without justifiable reason, or, use his/her whip wrongfully.
Art. 114 In case a horse runs away from the track, its jockey must ride his/her horse back to the point where it left the track in order to continue the race.
Art. 114-2 If the Steward of the Meeting deems, prior to the confirmation of the order of finish under the provisions of Paragraph 3 of Article 125, that there are reasons a horse has run in a race falls under any one of the following Items, the jockey of said horse shall be considered to have fallen from the horse.
- (1)If the horse has fallen or any part of the body of the jockey riding on said horse has touched the ground while racing
- (2)If the body of the jockey riding on the horse had become separated either from said horse or from the equipment of said horse at the point when the horse’s nose tip arrived at the finish line
2. If a jockey falls from a horse, said jockey must not continue the race.
Art. 115 During a race, in the event a jockey deems that there has been a marked change in the race performance of the horse, the jockey must report this fact to the Steward of the Meeting immediately after the finish of the race.
(Order of Arrival)
Art. 116 A Placing Judge shall judge the order of arrival by the order of arrival at the finish line of the nose tip of each horse.
2. A Placing Judge shall use photographs taken by a camera prescribed by the JRA as reference in judging the order of arrival in the preceding Paragraph. Provided, however, this does not apply in the event the order of arrival can be judged without difficulty and the Placing Judge deems that it is not necessary to use photographs as reference.
Art. 117 A Placing Judge must judge the order of arrival and, at the same time, also must confirm the difference of arrival.
2. The difference of arrival shall be the distance from the nose tip of the horse arriving ahead at the finish line to the nose tip of the next horse.
(Cases Not Deemed to Have Arrived at the Finish Line)
Art. 117-2 If a jockey has fallen from a horse that was running in a race, or the Steward of the Meeting deems it difficult for said horse to continue the race, the Steward of the Meeting shall, prior to the confirmation of the order of finish under the provisions of Paragraph 3 of Article 125, not deem the horse to have arrived at the finish line.
Art. 118 A Placing Judge must immediately officially announce the order of arrival of the 1st to the 5th place horses, the difference of arrival and the time required for the race by the horse arriving first at the finish line.
2. A correction can be made in the event a mistake is found in the order of arrival officially announced under the provisions of the preceding Paragraph before the order of finish is confirmed under the provisions of Paragraph 3 of Article 125.
Art. 119 In case 2, or more horses arrive at the finish line simultaneously, the order of arrival shall be the same order.
(Weighing In)
Art. 120 The jockeys of the horses up to the 7th order of arrival and also the jockey of a horse especially designated by the Steward of the Meeting, must undergo weighing in immediately after the race concerned is finished.
2. A jockey who must undergo weighing in under the provisions of the preceding Paragraph shall ride his horse to the weighing enclosure and must dismount upon order given by the Clerk of the Course.
3. In the event a horse cannot be ridden to the weighing enclosure due to injury, or, disease of the horse, or, for other compelling reason, a jockey can dismount and go to the weighing enclosure upon obtaining the permission of the Clerk of the Course.
4. The weighing in under Paragraph 1 shall be omitted in the event the Steward of the Meeting deems a jockey cannot undergo weighing in because of his/her death, or, for other compelling reason.
5. In regards to weighing in, the provisions of Article 98 shall apply.
Art. 121 A jockey who has gone to the weighing enclosure under the provisions of Paragraph 1 of the preceding Article, must keep his/her horse in the weighing enclosure until instructions are given by the Clerk of the Course.
(Announcement of Stewards' Inquiry)
Art. 121-2 In any of the following cases, the Steward of the Meeting will, before the confirmation of order of finish in accordance with the provision of Paragraph 3 of Article 125, make the announcement that the Stewards' Inquiry will take place pertaining to the race concerned.
- (1)When the race is recognized as void pursuant to the provision of the following Article.
- (2)If it is recognized that there may be a horse to be disqualified pursuant to the provisions of each Item of Article 123, or to be demoted pursuant to the provision of Paragraph 1 of Article 124, among the first five horses according to the order of arrival (inclusive of any horse which the Steward may designate as having the possibility of arriving within the first five horses and that it is deemed difficult to immediately make the confirmation of the order of arrival; the same shall apply in the following item).
- (3)In the event of an objection for disqualification or demotion filed among the first five horses according to the order of arrival, pursuant to the provision of Paragraph 1 of Article 127.
- (4)In addition to what is listed in the preceding Item 3, whenever the Steward of the Meeting shall deem as necessary.
2. The Steward of the Meeting, in the event of making the announcement of Steward's Inquiry pursuant to the provisions of the preceding Paragraph, shall immediately announce the decision after the inquiry concerned. In such cases, among the announcement of decision of the inquiry concerned, those as prescribed in Item 2 to 4 of the preceding Paragraph will be held in conjunction with the announcement of the confirmation of official order of finish as prescribed in Paragraph 4 of Article 125.
(Void Race)
Art. 122 In case the Steward of the Meeting deems there has been a serious hindrance to the execution of a race due to calamity, stone-throwing, etc., or, to the performance of duties by the officials of the meeting concerned with the race, or, the race was held on a race surface which differs from the prescribed race surface prior to the confirmation of the order of finish under the provisions of Paragraph 3 of Article 125, upon obtaining the approval of the Executive Steward, the race shall be void.
Art. 123 In the event the Steward of the Meeting deems a horse, which has arrived at the finish line prior to the confirmation of the order of finish under the provisions of Paragraph 3 of Article 125, falls under any one of the following Items, the horse shall be disqualified.
- (1)In case there has been a violation of the provisions of Paragraphs 1 to 3 of Article 132
- (2)In case the horse was not made to run on its own merits without justifiable reason
- (3)In case there has been a violation of the provisions of Article 100 for an illegitimate purpose
- (4)Among the acts considered to have caused interference to other horse which are deemed as violation of the provisions of Paragraph 1, 4 or 5 of Article 112 and Article 113 (exclusive of acts of interfering with another horse unavoidably performed in violation of the provisions of Paragraph 1, 4, and 5 of Article 112 in order to avoid danger from the actions of another jockey or another horse. Hereinafter referred to as Liable Interference), in case it is considered extremely vicious as dangerous actions to other jockey, or jockeys, or to other horse, or horses, and that this action concerned has caused serious effects to the race
- (5)In case there has been a violation of the provisions of Article 114
- (6)In case, after receiving an authentic starting signal, a horse arrives at the finish line after 5 minutes elapses in a race of 3,000 meters, or, less, or, 7 minutes elapses in a race exceeding 3,000 meters
- (7)In case a jockey, exclusive of in case of Paragraph 4 of Article 120, who did not undergo the weighing in as provided in Paragraph 1 of the same Article
- (8)In the case the weight obtained at weighing-out (the initial weight obtained if the weight announced was calculated pursuant to Paragraph 5 of Article 104) subtracted from the weight obtained at weighing-in exceeds 1 kilogram
- (9)In case a horse has been used as a tool for executing an illegitimate agreement, or, for other illegitimate purpose concerned with a race
Art. 124 The Steward of the Meeting, prior to the confirmation of the order of finish under the provisions of Paragraph 3 of the following Article, in regards to a horse which has arrived at the finish line (exclusive of a horse which was disqualified under the provisions of the preceding Article. Hereinafter referred to as Disqualified Horse), in case it was recognized as Liable Interference was caused, and, the horse concerned causing the interference has finished ahead of the sufferer at the finish line or run dead-heat with the sufferer (the horse which has caused the interference concerned and has arrived at the finish line (exclusive of Disqualified Horse); hereinafter referred to as the same.), but for the Liable Interference, the sufferer would have finished ahead of the first mentioned horse causing the Liable Interference, the horse causing the interference shall be demoted. Provided however, if it is found that the sufferer has caused Liable Interference to the first mentioned horse causing the interference, that horse may not be demoted.
2. In the order of finish, the horse which became demoted under the provisions of the preceding Paragraph (hereinafter referred to as Demoted Horse), shall be placed behind the sufferer concerned (sufferer subject to the decision of demotion; the same shall apply in the Appendix).
(Order of Finish)
Art. 125 In a race (exclusive of a race in which there is a Demoted Horse), exclusive of a Disqualified Horse, the horse which was judged to have arrived at the finish line first by the Placing Judge under the provisions of Article 116, shall be made 1st place and the order of finish of any other horse shall be confirmed by adding 1 to the number of horses which the Placing Judge has judged to have arrived at the finish line ahead of the horse in question. In this case, the horses arriving simultaneously at the finish line shall be regarded as dead heat.
2. The order of finish of each horse in case of a race where there was a Demoted Horse, exclusive of a Horse which has not arrived at the finish line, or, a Disqualified Horse, a horse shall be regarded as the first place horse, for which there is no horse (hereinafter referred to as the Higher Placed Horse) which can be regarded as having placed ahead in the order of finish as prescribed in the Appendix, and, concerning the other horses, 1 shall be added to the number of Higher Placed Horses. In this case, the horses arriving simultaneously at the finish line shall be regarded as dead heat.
3. The Steward of the Meeting must declare, without delay, after the completion of the race, the confirmation of the order of finish under the provisions of the preceding 2 Paragraphs. In this case, in the event there is a Disqualified Horse, or, a Demoted Horse, this must also be declared together.
4. The official announcement will be immediately made after the Steward of the Meeting has declared the confirmation of the order of finish as prescribed under the provisions of the preceding Paragraph.
5. The order of finish of each horse, as prescribed in the proviso of Paragraph 1 of Article 8 of the Regulations, shall be regarded as the order of finish confirmed under the provisions of Paragraph 3.
6. The winning horse in Paragraphs 1 to 5 of Article 7 of the Regulations shall be confirmed according to the confirmation declaration of the order of finish by the Steward of the Meeting in Paragraph 3 (in the event of multiple type pari-mutuel betting, the confirmation declaration of the order of finish of the final race of the designated number of races by the Steward of the Meeting in Paragraph 3).
Art.126 The prize money in case of a dead heat, the sum of the prize money up to the number of places which corresponds to the number of horses within the dead heat shall be equally divided among the number of horses within the dead heat.
2. In case of a dead heat, in the event it is impossible to divide a certificate of award, or, trophy, it shall be disposed of by drawing lots, or, by other suitable methods.
(Lodging Objections for Disqualification or Demotion)
Art. 127 An owner, trainer (inclusive of a trainer, or, a training assistant or groom, who has been entrusted with the activities concerning the horse in a race under the provisions of Paragraph 2 of Article 54), or, a jockey who has run a horse in a race, can lodge an objection only if it is prior to the confirmation of the order of finish under the provisions of Paragraph 3 of Article 125, on the grounds of disqualifying the horse under the provisions of Item 4 of Article 123, or, of demoting the horse under the provisions of Paragraph 1 of Article 124 that the horse concerned has caused Liable Interference.
2. The objection in the preceding Paragraph must be filed in writing to the Steward of the Meeting accompanied by guarantee money of 30,000 yen.
3. In the event there has been an objection lodged under Paragraph 1, the Steward of the Meeting shall pass ruling on this objection and inform the results to the person who lodged the objection.
4. As a result of the ruling, in case it is deemed that there has been an interference concerned with the objection, the guarantee money in Paragraph 2 shall be returned.
(Change of Order of Finish, etc., after Confirmation of Winning Horse)
Art. 128 In regards to a horse whose order of finish has been confirmed under the provisions of Paragraph 3 of Article 125 (inclusive of a horse whose disqualification ruling has been canceled under the provisions of Paragraph 3 of Article 151), in case the Ruling Committee deems that there are reasons that the horse falls under one of the Items 1, 2, or, 9 of Paragraph 1 of Article 123 within 5 years, or less, calculated from the day following the day of the race concerned was held, that horse shall be disqualified.
2. In case a ruling to reject an interference appeal has been canceled under the provisions of Paragraph 3 of Article 151, the Ruling Committee shall disqualify the horse which it deems falls under Item 4, Paragraph 1 of Article 123 from among the horses whose order of finish has been confirmed under the provisions of Paragraph 3 of Article 125.
Art. 129 In case a ruling to reject an interference appeal has been canceled under the provisions of Paragraph 3 of Article 151, the Ruling Committee shall demote the horse which it deems inflicted the liable interference from among the horses whose order of finish have been confirmed under the provisions of Paragraph 3 of Article 125 (exclusive of the horse which has been disqualified under the provisions of Paragraph 2 of the preceding Article).
Art. 130 In case there was a disqualification under the provisions of Paragraph 1 of Article 128, or, in case of a ruling to reject a disqualification, demotion, or, interference appeal under the provisions of Paragraph 3 of Article 151 has been canceled, the Ruling Committee shall change the order of finish of the horse for which it deems a change in order of finish is necessary from among the order of finish of each horse in that race.
2. In case the disqualification ruling has been canceled under the provisions of Paragraph 3 of Article 153, the President shall change the order of finish of the horse he deems a change of order of finish is necessary from among the order of finish of each horse in that race.
3. The order of finish after the change of order of finish of the horses for whom the order of finish is to be changed under the provisions of the preceding 2 Paragraphs and the order of finish of a horse whose disqualification ruling, or, decision was canceled under the provisions of Paragraph 3 of Article 151, or, Paragraph 3 of Article 153, shall be decided under the provisions of Paragraphs 1 or 2 of Article 125.
(Return of Prize Money, etc.)
Art. 131 In the event there has been a change of order of finish under the provisions of Paragraphs 1 or 2 of the preceding Article, a person who has already received the certificate of award, prize, or, prize money for the horse of the disqualification concerned, or, the horse whose order has been changed due to the change of order of finish concerned in the race concerned, must return the certificate of award, prize, or, prize money concerned to the JRA by the date designated by the President as prescribed in the program.
(Prohibition of Administration of Drugs and Medication which affect Race Performance)Art. 132 Any horse already declared to start and any other horse nominated to start in a race (in the following Paragraph referred to as Any Horse Nominated to Start) must not be administered drugs, or, medication mentioned in Separate Table (2), (hereinafter referred to as Prohibited Drugs, or, Medication), which temporarily stimulate, or, depress race performance.
2. A substance, even if it was other than the Prohibited Drugs, or, Medication, must not be administered to Any Horse Nominated to Start for the purpose of temporarily stimulating, or, depressing race performance.
3. A horse must not be declared to start if it will be under the influence of Prohibited Drugs, or, Medication on the day of the race (hereinafter referred to as the “Race Date”).
4.The provision of the preceding Paragraph also applies to horses that, on a Race Date, are subject to a period designated by the President during which restrictions have been placed on their racing activity in connection with the control of Prohibited Drugs.
5. The trainer, in order to prevent violations of the rules of the preceding four Paragraphs, must institute appropriate measures regarding horses under his care.
6. In case of a violation, or, a suspected violation of the rules from Paragraphs 1 to 4, the Steward of the Meeting can inspect the body of the horse concerned, collect testing material (urine, saliva, blood, hair, etc. Hereinafter the same shall apply), or, take any other necessary procedure.
(Restrictions on Racing under the Influence of Controlled Substances, etc.)Art. 132-2 Horses that will be under the influence of drugs or medication that are restricted from the standpoint of ensuring their welfare or preventing accidents and are included in Separate Table 3 (hereinafter referred to as Controlled Substances) on a Race Date, may not be declared to start, or horses that are under the influence of Controlled Substance may not start in races.
2. The provisions of the preceding Paragraph also apply to horses that, on a Race Date, are subject to a period designated by the President during which restrictions have been placed on their racing activity in connection with the regulation of Controlled Substances.
3. The trainer, in order to prevent violations of the rules of the preceding two Paragraphs, must institute appropriate measures regarding horses under his/her care.4. In case of a violation, or, a suspected violation of the provisions in Paragraph 1 or 2, the Steward of the Meeting may inspect the body of the horse concerned, collect testing material, or, take any other necessary procedure.
(Regulation of Drugs)Art. 132-3 The Veterinary Officer may give necessary orders or instructions to trainers, jockeys, training assistants, jockey candidates, or grooms in order to prevent violations of the provisions in Paragraphs 1 to 4 of Article 132 and in Paragraphs 1 and 2 of the preceding Article.
Art. 133 The entrance into the stable area of the Veterinary Officer, or, any other person under his/her orders for the purpose of supervision cannot be refused.
(Physico-Chemical Test)
Art. 134 A test (hereinafter referred to as Physico-Chemical Test) for Prohibited Drugs, or, Medication, or, Controlled Substances shall be conducted for horses up to 3rd place in the confirmed order of finish under the provisions of Paragraph 3 of Article 125 and any other horse specifically designated by the Steward of the Meeting.
2. The trainer of the horse under the preceding Paragraph must undergo collection of sample (urine, or, blood. Hereinafter the same shall apply) necessary for Physico-Chemical Test in regards to the horse concerned. Provided, however, this shall not apply in case the Steward of the Meeting especially deem it not necessary.
3. For the collection of samples under the preceding Paragraph, Veterinary Officer will instruct to collect urine and/or blood.
4. The trainer under the provisions of Paragraph 2 must lead the horse concerned to the sample collecting enclosure immediately after the order of finish becomes official under the provisions of Paragraph 3 of Article 125 and must keep the horse concerned at the sample collecting enclosure until the collection is finished. Provided, however, in case the Veterinary Officer deems it a special necessity, he/she can designate another place to collect the sample instead of the sample collecting enclosure.
5. The horse as provided in Paragraph 1 must not be fed, or, administered medicine from the finish of the race concerned till the completion of the sample collection. Provided, however, this shall not apply in case the Veterinary Officer especially deems it necessary.
6. The JRA shall subdivide the collected sample under the provisions of Paragraph 3 into A sample and B sample, and affix identical control numbers to each container.
7. The trainer in Paragraph 2 shall present himself/herself at the sample collection enclosure (inclusive of the place as provided in the proviso of Paragraph 4), attend the sample collection of the horse concerned, confirm the control numbers to be affixed to A sample and B sample containers, and provide his/her signature in accordance with the instructions of the Veterinary Officer. In this case, the trainer of the horse concerned can appoint a person with the permission of the Veterinary Officer to represent him/her.
8. The Veterinary Officer shall prescribe instructions necessary in the management of the horse at the sample collecting enclosure.
Art. 135 In case of as provided in Paragraph 6 of Article 132 or in Paragraph 4 of Article 132-2, a Physico-Chemical Test shall be conducted on the testing material collected based on the provisions of the same Paragraphs when deemed necessary by the Steward of the Meeting.
2. The provisions of Paragraphs 6 and 7 of the preceding Article shall be applied mutatis mutandis in regards to the Physico-Chemical Test in the preceding Paragraph. In this case, the wording “the sample collected under the provisions of Paragraph 3” in Paragraph 6 of the preceding Article shall be read as “the collected testing material”, and in Paragraph 7 of the same Article, “the trainer in Paragraph 2 shall present himself/herself at the sample collection enclosure (inclusive of the place as provided in the proviso of Paragraph 4)” as “the trainer of the horse as provided in Paragraph 6 of Article 132 and Paragraph 4 of Article 132-2 shall present himself/herself at the place designated by the Steward of the Meeting”, “the collection of the sample” as “the collection of testing material”, and “the Veterinary Officer” as “the Steward of the Meeting”.
Art. 136 The JRA shall have the Laboratory of Racing Chemistry (hereinafter referred to as Laboratory) conduct the Physico-Chemical Test as provided in the preceding 2 Articles, upon sealing the collected A sample and B sample containers, shall promptly send them to the Laboratory.
2. The Physico-Chemical Test in the preceding Paragraph shall first be conducted for A sample and, in case the existence of a Prohibited Drug, or, Medication, or, Controlled Substance has been confirmed in the Physico-Chemical Test concerned, the Laboratory shall immediately report to the JRA the control number of the A sample concerned and the name of the Prohibited Drug, or, Medication, or, Controlled Substance whose existence has been confirmed.
3. The JRA, in case of receiving the report in the preceding Paragraph, shall designate the date and time of the Physico-Chemical Test for the B sample (hereinafter referred to as Retest) and notify the Laboratory to conduct the Retest on the date and time concerned.
4. The Retest shall be conducted in the presence of a person commissioned by the President from among persons of knowledge and learning connected with Physico-Chemical Test.
5. No person other than the witness as provided in the preceding Paragraph can be present in the Retest.
6. In the Retest, in case the existence of the same Prohibited Drug, or, Medication as the Prohibited Drug, or, Medication in the Physico-Chemical Test for the A sample in Paragraph 2 has been confirmed, the Prohibited Drug, or, Medication concerned shall be regarded as a violation of the provisions of Paragraph 1 of Article 132, and in case the existence of the same Controlled Substance as the Controlled Substance in the Physico-Chemical Test for the A sample in Paragraph 2 has been confirmed, the Controlled Substance concerned shall be regarded as a violation of the provisions of Paragraph 1 of Article 132-2.
7. In the Physico-Chemical Test as provided in Paragraph 1, in regards to the substances specially designated among the Prohibited Drugs, or, Medication listed in Separate Table (2), the existence shall be confirmed based on threshold value connected with the Prohibited Drugs, or, Medication concerned (limited to in case at the time of passing judgement on the existence or not of Prohibited Drugs, or Medication it exceeded a fixed value in the Physico-Chemical Test, this refers to the value concerned as the Prohibited Drugs, or, Medication whose existence has been confirmed).
(Kinds of Penalty)
Art. 137 The penalties imposed by the JRA are as follows.
- (1)Suspension of a trainer from training, or, a jockey from riding
- (2)Imposing an administrative fine on an owner, trainer, jockey, training assistant, jockey candidate, or, groom
- (3)Reprimand to an owner, trainer, jockey, training assistant, jockey candidate, or, groom
- (4)Prohibition of, or, suspension from participation in horse racing conducted by the JRA to an owner, trainer, jockey, training assistant, jockey candidate, or, groom, or, to a person who was an owner, trainer, jockey, training assistant, jockey candidate, or, groom
(Prohibition of, or, Suspension from Participation in Horse Racing)
Art. 138 An owner, trainer, jockey, training assistant, jockey candidate, or, groom falling under any one of the following Items shall be prohibited of, or, suspended from participating in horse racing conducted by the JRA.
- (1)A person who forges, alters, or, unlawfully uses a document certifying the pedigree of a horse
- (2)A person who undergoes racehorse registration, or nomination, for an ineligible horse, or, runs an ineligible horse for an illegitimate purpose
- (3)A person who offers, or, makes an illegitimate agreement concerned with a race
- (4)A person who receives, demands, or, promises to receive material goods, or, other profits on the condition that he will commit an act which will endanger the integrity of a race
- (5)A person who assaults, threatens, or, offers, gives, or, promises to give material goods, or, other profits to a trainer, jockey, training assistant, jockey candidate, or, groom for the purpose of endangering the integrity of a race
- (6)A person who inflicts injury, or, attempts to inflict injury, or, gives improper treatment, or, attempts to give improper treatment to a racehorse for the purpose of endangering the integrity of a race
- (7)A jockey who violates the provisions of Article 100 for an illegitimate purpose
- (8)A person who prevents a horse from running on its own merits for the purpose of acquiring profits, or of advantaging other people in a race.
- (9)A person who violates the provisions of Paragraph 1, or, 2 of Article 132
- (10)A person who knowingly runs, or, attempts to run a horse which falls under the provisions of Paragraph 1, or, 2 of Article 132
- (11)A person who interferes with the operation of a race, or, the performance of the duties of an official of the meeting (inclusive of the course attendance enhancement official, public relations official, information control official, media and publicity official, patrol judge, facilities official, and system management official in Paragraph 2 of Article 178. The same shall apply to Items 14 and 15 of Article 147 and Paragraph 1 of Article 179).
- (12)A person who has been punished with a fine or a graver charge, in violation of the provisions of the Law, The Japan Racing Association Law, The Bicycle Race Law, The Motorcycle Racing Law and The Motorboat Racing Law.
- (13)Exclusive of a person falling under the preceding Item, a person who has been sentenced to a punishment of imprisonment without work or heavier and for whom there is a sufficient reason to deem that this person shall endanger the integrity of horse racing
2. A person who falls under any one of the Items of the preceding Paragraph and who, at the time falls under any one of the Items of the preceding Paragraph (at the time the fact of the crime was indicated in the judgment of guilty in regards to Items 12 and 13) was an owner, trainer, jockey, training assistant, jockey candidate, or, groom, shall be prohibited of, or, suspended from participating in horse racing conducted by the JRA.
Art. 139 In case a trainer, jockey, training assistant, jockey candidate, or, groom, falls under any one of the following Items, he/she must report the fact to the Steward of the Meeting.
- (1)In case that he/she has been offered an agreement falling under Item 3, Paragraph 1 of the preceding Article
- (2)In case that he/she has been subjected to violence, or, threatened, or, was offered, or, given any material goods, or, other profits falling under Item 5, Paragraph 1 of the preceding Article
- (3)In regards to a racehorse, when injury has been inflicted, or, an attempt was made to inflict, or, has been improperly treated, or, an attempt has been made to improperly treat, as provided in Item 6, Paragraph 1 of the preceding Article
(Suspension for Horses from Running to Maintain the Fairness of Horse Racing)
Art. 140 In order to maintain the fairness of races, in the event a horse falls under any one of the following Items the horse shall be suspended from running for a prescribed period.
- (1)In the event that there is a concern that the horse will endanger other horses in the race
- (2)In the event that training is inadequate
- (3)In the event that there is an impairment of health
- (4)In the event that there is a violation of the provisions of Paragraphs 1 or 2 of Article 132
- (5)In the event that there is a concern that the horse will be used for executing an illegitimate agreement and for other illegitimate purpose in connection with races
Art. 141 In case an owner (or, the officer in case of a corporation, or the member of an Association) who has been prosecuted for violation of the Law, or, in case he/she has been prosecuted in any other criminal case deemed as endangering the integrity of horse racing, the horse owned by the person (inclusive of a Partnership Horse, a horse owned by the corporation in case of its officer and a horse included in the properties of the Association in case of its member) shall be suspended from running until a decision has been made at the trial.
Art. 142 If a horse to run does not run for reasons other than those specified in each Item of Article 87, the horse will be suspended from running in a race for a prescribed period of 30 days, or less.
Art. 143 In the event an owner who must return the certificate of award, prize, or, prize money under the provisions of Article 131 fails to return these items by the date designated by the President, the horse concerned owned by the person (inclusive of a Partnership Horse, and a horse included in the properties of the Association in case of its member. The same shall apply to the following article) shall be suspended from running from the day following the designated day up to the day these items have been returned.
Art. 144 In case, under the provisions of the rules connected with the conduct of Regional Public Racing, an owner who has run a horse in Regional Public Racing designated exchange race must return the certificate of award, prize, prize money, incentive money, allowances or other money and goods similar to this (hereinafter referred to as prize money, etc. in this Article) by the designated date, in the event the prize money, etc., is not returned by the date concerned, the horse owned by that person shall be suspended from running from the day following the designated day to the day it is returned.
(Suspension from Training, or, Riding to Maintain the Fairness of Horse Racing)
Art. 145 Exclusive of in case of those falling under any one of the Items of Paragraph 1 of Article 138, a trainer, or, jockey who falls under any one of the following Items shall be suspended from training, or, riding for a prescribed period.
- (1)A jockey who violates the provisions of Paragraph 1 of Article 120 without justifiable reason
- (2)A jockey who violates the provisions of Items 2 or 3 of Article 110, or, a jockey who violates the provisions of Article 111 without justifiable reason.
- (3)A trainer, or, jockey who endangers the integrity of a race, or, causes a fraudulent act in a race
Art. 146 In case a trainer, or, jockey who has been prosecuted for violation of the Law, or, in case he/she has been prosecuted in any other criminal case deemed as endangering the integrity of horse racing, the person shall be suspended from training, or, riding until a decision has been made at the trial.
(Suspensions, Reprimand, and Administrative Fines Issued to Trainers and Jockeys)Art. 147 To uphold the integrity of horse racing, exclusive of in case of those falling under any one of the Items of Paragraph 1 of Article 138, or, any one of the Items of Article 145, or, of the preceding Article, an owner, trainer, jockey, training assistant, jockey candidate, or, groom, falling under any one of the following Items shall be suspended from training, or, riding for a prescribed period and reprimanded, or, imposed an administrative fine of 1,000,000 yen, or, less.
- (1)An owner, or, trainer who undergoes, or, attempts to undergo racehorse registration or nomination for an ineligible horse, or, runs, or, attempts to run an ineligible horse
- (2)A Representative Part Owner who neglects the notification under Article 14, or, who makes a false notification
- (3)An owner who neglects the notification under Article 27, or, who makes a false notification
- (4)A trainer who concludes a training contract with a person who has borrowed the name of an owner
- (5)A trainer who violates the provisions of Article 54
- (6)A trainer, or, jockey who violates the provisions of Articles 94 to 96, or, Article 103
- (7)A jockey who violates the provisions of Paragraphs 1 or 3 of Article 99, or, Paragraphs 1 to 4 of Article 104, or, a trainer, or, jockey who violates the provisions of Articles 101 or 112 without any justifiable reason
- (8)A jockey who violates the provisions of Article 100
- (9)A jockey who enters the weighing enclosure dismounted without the permission under Paragraph 3 of Article 120
- (10)A jockey who violates the provisions of Articles 113 or 114, Paragraph 2 of Article 114, or Article 121, or a jockey who falls under the provisions of Item 1 of Article 110
- (11)A trainer who unknowingly runs, or, attempts to run a horse in violation of the provisions of Paragraphs 1 or 2 of Article 132; knowingly or unknowingly runs, or, attempts to run a horse in violation of the provisions in Paragraph 1 or 2 of Article 132-2; makes a declaration to run a horse in violation of the provisions of Paragraph 3 or 4 of Article 132 or Paragraph 1 or 2 of Article 132-2 as the proxy of the owner; or violates the provisions of Paragraph 5 of Article 132 or Paragraph 3 of Article 132-2.
- (12)A trainer who violates the provisions of Paragraphs 2, 4 or 7 of Article 134, or, a trainer, jockey, training assistant, jockey candidate, or, groom who violates the provisions of Paragraph 5 of the same Article
- (13)A trainer, jockey, training assistant, or, groom who violates the provisions of Article 131
- (14)A person who does not obey the orders, or, instructions of the officials of the meeting
- (15)A person who obstructs the performance of the duties of a person, other than the officials of the meeting, engaged in business concerned with horse racing
- (16)A trainer, jockey, training assistant, jockey candidate, or, groom who violates the provisions of Article 139
- (17)A person (exclusive of a person who has already received a reprimand from the organization which conducts rulings concerned with the race concerned) who has committed an act endangering the implementation of impartial and safe horse racing of Regional Public Racing designated exchange race
- (18)A person (exclusive of a person who has already received a reprimand, or, a ruling from an organization which conducts rulings concerned with the race concerned, or, a jockey who has been suspended from riding for a prescribed period and who is continuously in an area outside this country and, further, deemed as having completed the period of suspension of the riding concerned) who has committed an act endangering the implementation of impartial and safe racing of a race in foreign horse racing
- (19)A person, in addition to the preceding Items, who neglects to exercise due care in the conduct of his/her business in regards to upholding the integrity of horse racing
- (20)A person who commits a misconduct which has caused noticeable harm to upholding the integrity of horse racing
- (21)A person who, after being requested to report or submit documents under the provision of Article 59-2, failed to report or submit the requested documents, or provided a false report or submitted false documents
(Distribution of Power)
Art. 148 The rulings, etc., to suspend training, riding, or, running of a horse for 30 days, or, less, and, to impose administrative fines, or, to reprimand concerned with the causes occurring during the race meeting shall be conducted by the Steward of the Meeting exclusive of the rulings, etc., taken on the items as provided in the following Paragraph.
2. In regards to items deemed necessary to impose rulings, etc., to prohibit of, or, suspend from participation in horse racing, or, the suspension of training, riding, or, running of a horse exceeding 30 days concerned with the causes occurring during the race meeting, the Steward of the Meeting shall submit to the Ruling Committee, inquiry documents together with any other particulars deemed necessary and their opinions.
3. The rulings, etc., in regards to the items as provided in the preceding Paragraph and the rulings, etc., concerned with the causes occurring outside of the race meeting period shall be conducted by the Ruling Committee.
4. In the event the Steward of the Meeting deems necessary, they may suspend any person connected with the items to be determined upon by the Ruling Committee from training, riding, or, running of a horse until the decision has been made, or, suspend the presentation of the certificate of award, prize, or, payment of the prize money to the person until the decision has been made.
5. Items necessary in regards to the composition and operation of the Ruling Committee will be prescribed by the President.
(Preventive Measure)
Art. 149 The Steward of the Meeting shall take necessary preventive measures against trainers, jockeys, training assistants, jockey candidates, or, grooms if he/she deems these necessary to maintain the fairness of a race, or if he/she deems that there is a risk that the implementation of safe horse racing may be obstructed.
(Lodging an Appeal in regards to Ruling)
Art. 150 A person who falls under any one of the following Items and is dissatisfied in regards to the disqualification, demotion, or, overruling of the ruling concerned, can lodge an appeal against the Ruling Committee.
- (1)The owner, trainer, and jockey of the Disqualified Horse (inclusive of a person who was the owner, trainer and jockey of the horse concerned at the time of the ruling concerned. The same shall apply to the following Item and Item 3)
- (2)The owner, trainer and jockey of the Demoted Horse
- (3)The owner, trainer and jockey who has had lodged objections for disqualification or demotion in Paragraph 1 of Article 127, overruled
2. The lodging of the appeal under the provisions of the preceding Paragraph must be done in writing describing the following mentioned Items within 2 days, or less, calculated from the day following the date on which the ruling concerned was made accompanied by guarantee money of 100,000 yen (guarantee money of 70,000 yen in case of lodging an objection for disqualification or demotion under the provisions of Paragraph 1 of Article 127).
- (1)The name or title, and the domicile or place of residence of the person lodging the appeal
- (2)The ruling connected with lodging the appeal
- (3)The purpose and reason for lodging the appeal
- (4)The date of lodging the appeal
Art. 151 In the event the Ruling Committee has received the appeal under the provisions of Paragraph 1 of the preceding Article, this will be examined without delay and the person lodging the appeal shall be informed of the results of the decision in writing.
2. In the event there is no reason for the appeal lodged under the provisions of Paragraph 1 of the preceding Article, the Ruling Committee shall make the decision to overrule the appeal concerned.
3. In the event there is a reason for the appeal lodged under the provisions of Paragraph 1 of the preceding Article, the Ruling Committee shall make the decision to cancel the ruling concerned.
(Lodging an Appeal in regards to Decision)
Art. 152 An owner, trainer and jockey (inclusive of a person who was the owner, trainer and jockey of the horse concerned at the time the race was held in which the disqualification concerned occurred) of the horse disqualified under the provisions of Paragraph 1 of Article 128 who is dissatisfied in regards to the decision concerned, can lodge an appeal against the President.
2. The provisions of Paragraph 2 of Article 150 shall be applied mutatis mutandis in regards to an appeal lodged under the provisions of the preceding Paragraph. In this case, the wording “ruling” in the same Paragraph shall be read as “decision,” and the wording “within 2 days, or less” as “within 30 days or less.”
Art. 153 In the event the President has received the appeal lodged under the provisions of Paragraph 1 of the preceding Article, this will be examined without delay and the person lodging the appeal shall be informed of the results of the decision in writing.
2. In the event there is no reason for the appeal lodged under the provisions of Paragraph 1 of the preceding Article, the President shall make the decision to overrule the appeal concerned.
3. In the event there is a reason for the appeal lodged under the provisions of Paragraph 1 of the preceding Article, the President shall make the decision to cancel the decision concerned.
(Lodging an Appeal in regards to Penalty)
Art. 154 A person from among the owner, trainer, or, jockey of a Disqualified Horse, or, a Demoted Horse who has received a penalty in regards to an act by that person and was the cause of the disqualification, or, demotion concerned and who is dissatisfied with the penalty concerned, can lodge an appeal against the Ruling Committee. Provided, however, this cannot be done unless conducted together with lodging an appeal under the provisions of Paragraph 1 of Article 150.
2. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding Paragraph, a jockey who falls under any of the provisions of the Items of Article 145 or of Items 6 to 10 or Items 12 to 19 of Article 147 and has been suspended from riding as a penalty by the Steward of the Meeting, and who is dissatisfied with such suspension from riding, can lodge an appeal against the Ruling Committee.
3. The lodging of the appeal under the provisions of the preceding two Paragraphs must be done in writing describing the items mentioned in Items 1, 3 and 4, Paragraph 2 of Article 150 and the penalty connected with the appeal concerned within 2 days, or less calculated from the day following the date the penalty concerned was made.
4. The lodging of the appeal under the provisions of Paragraph 2 must be made in writing as provided in the preceding Paragraph, accompanied by guarantee money of 100,000 yen.
Art. 155 In the event the Ruling Committee has received the appeal lodged under the provisions of Paragraph 1 or 2 of the preceding Article, this will be examined without delay and the person lodging the appeal shall be informed of the results of the decision in writing.
2. In the event there is no reason for the appeal lodged under the provisions of Paragraph 1 or 2 of the preceding Article, the Ruling Committee shall make the decision to overrule the appeal concerned.
3. In the event there is a reason for the appeal lodged under the provisions of Paragraph 1 or 2 of the preceding Article, the Ruling Committee shall make the decision to cancel, or, change the penalty concerned.
Art. 155-2 A person who has received an administrative fine provided in Item 2 of Article 137 and who is dissatisfied with the penalty concerned can lodge an appeal to the President.
2. The provisions of Paragraph 2 of Article 150 shall be applied mutatis mutandis in regards to the appeal lodged under the provisions of the preceding Paragraph. In this case, "under the provisions of the preceding Paragraph" in the same Paragraph shall be read as "under the provisions of Paragraph 1 of Article 155-2," "the day following the date on which the ruling concerned was made" as "the day on which the penalty was received," and "within 2 days, or less, … accompanied by guarantee money of 100,000 yen (guarantee money of 70,000 yen in case of lodging an objection for disqualification or demotion under the provisions of Paragraph 1 of Article 127)" as "within 3 months, or less." In addition, "The ruling" in Item 2 of the same Paragraph shall be read as "The details of the penalty."
Art. 155-3 In the event the President has received the appeal lodged under the provisions of Paragraph 1 of the preceding Article, this will be examined without delay and the person lodging the appeal shall be informed of the results of the decision in writing.
2. In the event there is no reason for the appeal lodged under the provisions of Paragraph 1 of the preceding Article, the President shall make the decision to overrule the appeal concerned.
3. In the event there is a reason for the appeal lodged under the provisions of Paragraph 1 of the preceding Article, the President shall make the decision to cancel the penalty concerned.
(Withdrawal of Appeal)
Art. 156 The person lodging the appeal can withdraw in writing the appeal concerned at any time until up to the time the decision connected with the appeal concerned is made by the Ruling Committee, or, the President.
2. In case the appeal lodged under the provisions of Paragraph 1 of Article 150 is withdrawn, the appeal lodged under the provisions of Paragraph 1 of Article 154 shall be considered as having been withdrawn together.
(Confiscation and Return of Guarantee Money)
Art. 157 In case of an overruling under the provisions of Paragraph 2 of Article 151, or, Paragraph 2 of Article 153, or an overruling under the provisions of Paragraph 2 of Article 155 (limited to cases pertaining to an appeal under Paragraph 2 of Article 154) and, in case of the withdrawal under the provisions of Paragraph 1 of the preceding Article, the guarantee money connected with the appeal concerned shall be confiscated.
2. In case of a cancellation under the provisions of Paragraph 3 of Article 151, or, Paragraph 3 of Article 153, or a cancellation or change under the provisions of Paragraph 3 of Article 155 (limited to cases pertaining to an appeal under Paragraph 2 of Article 154), the guarantee money connected with the appeal concerned (inclusive of the guarantee money in Paragraph 2 of Article 127, in case this is connected with Item 3, Paragraph 1 of Article 150) shall be returned.
Collection of Reports, etc., to Maintain the Smooth Implementation of Horse Racing
Art. 157-2 In the event it is deemed necessary to maintain the smooth implementation of horse racing, the JRA may request owners, trainers, jockeys, training assistants, jockey candidates, or, grooms to report or submit necessary documents.
(Penalties, etc., to Maintain the Smooth Implementation of Horse Racing)
Art. 157-3 In the event an owner corresponds to the person specified in Item 1, Paragraph 1 of the following Article, horses owned by the owner (including Partnership Horses) may be suspended from running.
Art. 157-4 An owner, trainer, jockey, training assistant, jockey candidate, or, groom falling under any one of the following Items shall be suspended from training, or, riding for a prescribed period, reprimanded, or, imposed an administrative fine of 1,000,000 yen, or less.
- (1)A person deemed to obstruct or to be likely to obstruct the smooth implementation of horse racing by engaging in actions considered to damage the social trust in horse racing
- (2)A person who, after being requested to report or submit documents under Article 157-2, fails to report or submit the requested documents, or provides a false report or submits false documents
2. A person who falls under any of the Items of the preceding Paragraph may be refused admission to a racecourse or off course facilities on a day when a race is being held.
Art. 157-5 The penalties, etc., mentioned in the two preceding Articles shall be imposed by the Ruling Committee.
2. When considering imposing a penalty, etc., under the provisions of the preceding Paragraph, the Ruling Committee shall first hear the opinion of a committee composed of academic experts in the social or horse racing fields.
3. In addition to what is provided in the preceding Paragraph, items necessary in regards to the composition and operation of the committee mentioned in the preceding Paragraph shall be prescribed by the President.
(Types of Pari-mutuel Betting)
Art. 158 The types of pari-mutuel betting conducted by the JRA are Win (select first-placed horse), Place (select a horse to place from first through third), correct order forecast, either order forecast, and multiple type pari-mutuel betting.
2. The correct order forecast pari-mutuel betting conducted by the JRA are Exacta (combination of first and second-place horses) and Trifecta (combination of first, second and third-placed horses).
3. The either order forecast pari-mutuel betting conducted by the JRA are the Bracket Quinella (combination of first and second-placed horses according to the bracket number), Quinella (combination of first and second-placed horses), Quinella-place (combination of two horses to finish first through third place), and Trio (combination of three horses to finish first, second and third place).
4. The multiple type pari-mutuel betting conducted by the JRA is referred as "Pick n " (where n denotes the number of races) which is to select the winning horses in five designated races.
5. In regards to the horse racing conducted at a racecourse designated by the President, of among the types of pari-mutuel betting provided in the preceding Paragraphs, any one of the pari-mutuel betting types may not be available.
Art. 159 In case Bracket Quinella is available, the bracket numbering is subject to examples in Separate Table (4) from among the numbering method examples in Appendix 3 of the Regulations.
Art. 160 The Exacta, Bracket Quinella and Quinella shall not be available in the event there are 2 horses, or less to start at the time the sale of pari-mutuel betting tickets begins.
2. The Quinella-place, Trifecta and Trio shall not be available in the event there are 3 horses or less to start at the time the sale of pari-mutuel betting tickets begins.
3. The Bracket Quinella shall be available for a race in which there are horses with identical bracket numbers under the provisions of the preceding Article at the time the sale of pari-mutuel betting ticket begins.
(Pari-mutuel Betting Ticket)
Art. 161 On each pari-mutuel betting ticket, the following mentioned Items shall be described.
- (1)The words indicating the kind of pari-mutuel betting
- (2)The name of the racecourse concerned (in case of multiple type pari-mutuel betting, should there be more than one racecourse concerned, the names of all the racecourses concerned)
- (3)The words indicating the year of the race meeting concerned (in case of multiple type pari-mutuel betting, should there be more than one race meetings concerned, the names of all the race meetings concerned; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Item ) and the numerical order of the race meeting concerned for that year
- (4)The words indicating which day the race concerned (in case of multiple type pari-mutuel betting, all the races concerned; the same shall apply to the preceding Item and Item 6) is of the race meeting concerned
- (5)The number of the race concerned
- (6)In regards to the race concerned, one (1), or more kinds of horse numbers (or, the combination in regards to correct order forecast pari-mutuel betting, either order forecast pari-mutuel betting, and multiple type betting; hereinafter the same shall apply)
- (7)The amount (equivalent to the amount in 100 yen units) of pari-mutuel betting concerning each of the horse numbers in the preceding Item and the total amount in case of describing the horse numbers of two (2) , or more kinds of horse numbers
- (8)The number of the pari-mutuel betting ticket
(Sale of Pari-mutuel Betting Tickets)
Art. 162 The pari-mutuel betting tickets shall be sold at the pari-mutuel betting places inside the racecourses prescribed in Separate Table (1) and at the off course betting facilities outside the racecourse with approval provided by Paragraph 1 of Article 2 of the Ordinance.
2. In case an application is received to purchase pari-mutuel betting tickets on the basis of a pari-mutuel betting contract established through telephone, computer, or other device, the JRA shall create electromagnetic records as provided in Paragraph 3 of Article 6 in lieu of the pari-mutuel betting tickets pertaining to such application, and receive these on behalf of the applicant concerned, while the applicant concerned shall pay the sum corresponding to the amount of said pari-mutuel betting using any of the following methods.
- (1)Transfer of sum corresponding to the amount of said pari-mutuel betting to the JRA’s account at a financial institution (inclusive of exchange transactions falling under fund transfer services through which funds (limited to those that can be paid out in money) are transferred from an account held by the applicant concerned as provided in Paragraph 2 of Article 2 of the Payment Services Act (Act No. 59 of 2009)).
- (2)Transfer of sum corresponding to the amount of said pari-mutuel betting to the JRA’s account at a financial institution by the issuer of a credit card held in the name of the applicant concerned at the request of such applicant.
- (3)In case the applicant concerned has been issued an identification card (referring to a card designated by the President equipped with an integrated circuit whereby the person who desires to undergo pari-mutuel betting may be identified), a deduction by the JRA of the sum corresponding to the amount of said pari-mutuel betting from the amount recorded on a computer of the JRA.
3. The sale of pari-mutuel betting tickets shall be conducted with pari-mutuel betting tickets as provided in Paragraph 2 of Article 6 of the Law.
4. In case of a person who has concluded a contract as provided in Paragraph 2, on the basis of an application made by said person or a family member of that person or other person prescribed by the President, for whom the President deems it reasonable to deny an application for purchase of Pari-mutual Betting Tickets by using a telephone, computer or other device (hereinafter referred to as “Refusal of Application” in this Paragraph), the JRA can implement the Refusal of Application.
Art. 163 The pari-mutuel betting tickets cannot be sold until after the horses which are to run in that race (in case of multiple type pari-mutuel betting, in all races concerned) have been confirmed.
2. The sale of pari-mutuel betting tickets shall be closed on or before start of that race (in case of multiple type pari-mutuel betting, the close of the first race among the races concerned).
(Official Announcement of and so forth Number of Pari-mutuel Betting Tickets Sold, etc.)
Art. 164 In the event the sale of pari-mutuel betting tickets is closed, the following items shall be announced. Provided, however, in case of multiple type pari-mutuel betting, the items concerned shall be disclosed at the request of the persons entering the racecourse.
- (1)The number of pari-mutuel betting tickets sold, classified according to the types of pari-mutuel betting, according to each horse for win and place pari-mutuel betting, and according to each combination for correct order forecast pari-mutuel betting, either order forecast pari-mutuel betting, and multiple type pari-mutuel betting.
- (2)For multiple type pari-mutuel betting, should there be any additional money as provided for in Paragraph 1 and Paragraph 3 of Article 9 of the Horseracing Law, the amount of additional money.
Art. 165 In the event of the sale of pari-mutuel betting tickets, the betting records shall be kept in the custody of the general manager of the racecourse concerned or the manager of the off-course betting facility concerned for 60 days, or more.
2. Pari-mutuel betting tickets sold by the JRA on the basis of a contract as provided in Paragraph 2 of Article 162 shall be kept in the custody of the general manager of the section responsible for business pertaining to the sale of said pari-mutuel betting tickets for 60 days or more, and the provisions of the preceding two Paragraphs shall not apply to betting records for said pari-mutuel betting tickets.
(Random Placing)
Art. 166 For Exacta, Bracket Quinella, Quinella and Quinella Place, in the event there are two (2) horses, or more placing 1st, one (1) horse shall be considered as the horse which placed 2nd from among these horses.
2. In the wide two-horse-number either order forecast type pari-mutuel betting method, in the event there are 2 horses, or more placing 2nd, 1 horse shall be considered as the horse which placed 3rd from among these horses.
3. In the three-horse-number correct order forecast type pari-mutuel betting method and three-horse-number either order forecast type pari-mutuel betting method, in the event there are 3 horses, or more placing 1st, any two of these horses shall be considered as horses which placed 2nd and 3rd among these horses, and in the event there are 2 horses placing 1st, any one of the two horses shall be considered as the horse which placed 2nd among these horses, and in the event there are 2 horses, or more placing 2nd, any one of them shall be considered as the horse which placed 3rd among these horses.
(Payoff Money etc.)
Art. 167 In the event the winning horse has been decided, the following items shall be officially announced without delay.
- (1)The amount of Payoff Money (in case Benefits of Item 1 or Benefits of Item 2 provided in each of the Items of Paragraph 1, Article 5 of the Supplementary Provisions of the Horseracing Law is distributed, the sum of Payoff Money concerned and the Benefits of Item 1 or Benefits of Item 2) under the Article 8 and Paragraph 2 of Article 9 of the Horseracing Law.
- (2)For multiple type pari-mutuel betting, the amount of additional money in case additional money is distributed under Paragraph 1 or Paragraph 3 of Article 9 of the Horseracing Law.
- (3)In the event there is no winning pari-mutuel ticket for multiple type pari-mutuel betting, the payoff money shall not be distributed.
Art. 168 The Payoff Money etc. (hereinafter used to collectively refer to payoff money, Benefits of Item 1 or Benefits of Item 2 provided in each of the Items of Paragraph 1, Article 5 of the Supplementary Provisions of the Horseracing Law, and refunds) shall be distributed in exchange for the pari-mutuel betting tickets concerned.
Art. 169 The Payoff Money etc. shall be distributed at Payoff Money distribution places inside the racecourses prescribed in Separate Table (1) and at the off course Payoff Money facilities outside the racecourse with approval provided by Paragraph 1 of Article 2 of the Ordinance.
Art. 169-2 In regards to the distribution of Payoff Money etc. in the cases set forth in Item 1 and Item 2 of Paragraph 2 of Article 162, the Payoff Money etc. pertaining to the pari-mutuel betting tickets concerned shall be transferred to the account held by the applicant concerned at a financial institution. Provided, however, that refunds in case of payment through the method provided in Item 2 of the same Paragraph, shall be offset against the sum corresponding to the amount of said pari-mutuel betting.
2. In regards to the distribution of Payoff Money etc. in the case set forth in Item 3 of Paragraph 2 of Article 162, the JRA shall regard the distribution as applicable to the identification card concerned, and add the Payoff Money etc. pertaining to the pari-mutuel betting tickets concerned to the corresponding amount recorded on a computer of the JRA.
Art. 170 The Payoff Money etc. shall not be distributed on pari-mutuel betting tickets with illegible letters described under the provisions of Article 161, or, on extremely mutilated pari-mutuel betting tickets.
(Admission Fee)
Art. 171 An admission fee prescribed by the President within the limits of from 100 yen to 5,000 yen per person per day shall be collected from persons entering the racecourse and admission tickets shall be distributed to them. Provided, however, this shall not apply in case permission for any other handling is obtained from the Minister for the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries under the proviso of Article 5 of the Law.
2. Admission fees shall not be collected in the event of persons mentioned in the following Items regardless of the provisions of the main text of the preceding Paragraph.
- (1)A person prescribed in Items 1 to 6 provided in Paragraph 1 of Article 4 of the Regulations
- (2)Imperial Family
- (3)A diplomat
- (4)An academic expert in the horse racing field and prescribed by the President
- (5)A person who has made meritorious contribution to National Racing and prescribed by the President
- (6)A person who has bred a horse which has undergone racehorse registration in National Racing
- (7)A press person related to National Racing and prescribed by the President
- (8)An officer, or, official of an organization approved by the Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, or, an official of an administrative organ connected with National Racing and prescribed by the President
- (9)A police personnel, fire personnel, railways official and other persons the President deems necessary in connection with the operation of horse racing
- (10)A person under 15 years of age
- (11)A person engaged in National Racing business activities
- (12)A person working in the concessions inside the racecourse
(Person Engaged in Business Activity, etc.)
Art. 172 During a race meeting, persons mentioned in the following Items must wear a badge, or, carry a pass issued by the JRA or by a person who has been separately designated by the JRA at pari-mutuel betting places, and, Payoff Money distribution places inside the racecourse, and, outside the racecourse (hereinafter referred to as Off Course Facilities) exclusive of in case engaging in business concerned with the management of the track or in other case the President deems not necessary for the implementation of safe horse racing.
- (1)An officer, or, an official of the JRA, or a person engaged in business activity of National Racing.
- (2)A trainer, jockey, training assistant, jockey candidate or groom
- (3)An owner
- (4)A press person
- (5)A person other than those mentioned in each of the preceding Items who is deemed necessary by the JRA
2. In case of the preceding Paragraph, those persons designated by the President from among the persons in Items 1 and 2 of the same Paragraph must wear uniforms as prescribed by the JRA in addition to the badge, or, pass as provided in the same Paragraph.
3. The range of the persons mentioned in Items 4 and 5 of Paragraph 1 shall be prescribed by the Executive Steward.
(Control inside the Stable Area)
Art. 173 No person other than the persons mentioned in the following Items can enter the stable area of the racecourse during a race meeting.
- (1)A government official related to horse racing
- (2)An officer, or, an official of the JRA, or a person engaged in business activity of National Racing.
- (3)A trainer, jockey, training assistant, jockey candidate, or, groom
- (4)An owner who has entrusted horses with a stable of that racecourse
- (5)A person other than those mentioned in each of the preceding Items who has the special permission of the Executive Steward
(Refusal of Admittance)
Art. 174 The Executive Steward can refuse to admit to the racecourse any person falling under any one of the following Items (or any one of Items 2 to 8 in case of the proviso of Paragraph 1 of Article 171) on a day in which horse racing is held.
- (1)A person who does not possess an admission ticket (exclusive of a person mentioned in each of the Items of Paragraph 2 of Article 171)
- (2)A person who is prescribed in each of the Items of Paragraph 1 of Article 172 and does not wear a badge or pass issued by the JRA or by a person who has been separately designated by the JRA.
- (3)A person prohibited of, or, suspended from participating in any horse racing held by the JRA, the forty-seven prefectures, or, the designated municipalities
- (4)A person who obstructs, or, coerces, or, interferes with the purchase of pari-mutuel betting tickets of another person without reason
- (5)A person who is mentioned in, or, for whom there is a concern that he/she will fall under Item 3 of Article 30, Item 1 of Article 31, or, Article 34 of the Law
- (6)A person for whom there is a sufficient reason to deem that this person may commit, as a group, or, habitually, a violent and illegal act and other crimes mentioned in each of the Items of Article 1 of the enforcement regulations of the law on prevention of gangsters' injustice
- (7)A person who is annoying other people for his/her behavior or attire.
- (8)A person, in addition to those mentioned in the preceding Items, for whom there is a concern that this person will endanger the integrity of horse racing, or, disturb the peace inside the racecourse
(Order to Leave)
Art. 175 The Executive Steward can order a person to leave the racecourse in case the person who has already entered on horse racing day falls under any one of the following Items.
- (1)A person who is mentioned in any one of the Items (or any one of Items 2 to 8 in case of the proviso of Paragraph 1 of Article 171) of the preceding Article
- (2)A person who commits, or, attempts to commit an illegal act
- (3)A person who commits, or, attempts to commit an act impairing the operation of horse racing
- (4)A person who disturbs the peace inside the racecourse
- (5)A person who forecasts winners as a business inside the racecourse, or, a person who sells articles inside the racecourse without permission of the Executive Steward
- (6)A persons who have been refused admission to a racecourse on a day when race meeting is being held in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 2 of Article 157-4
(Restriction on Admission)
Art. 175-2 In case of a person for whom the President deems it reasonable, on the basis of an application made by a person who made an application for restriction of admission to the racecourse or a family member of the person who is to be subject to the restriction of admission to the racecourse or other person prescribed by the President, to restrict admission to the racecourse (hereinafter referred to as “Restriction of Admission” in this Article), the Executive Steward can apply the Restriction of Admission.
(Provision Applied Mutatis Mutandis)
Art. 176 The provisions of the preceding 3 Articles (exclusive of the portion concerned with Item 1 of Article 174), shall be applied mutatis mutandis in regards to Off Course Facilities. In this case, the "racecourse" shall be read as "Off Course Facilities".
(Specific No Trespassing Areas)
Art. 177 No person may enter the track, steward's stand, weighing room, saddling enclosure, sample collecting enclosure, paddock, pari-mutuel betting place, or, Payoff Money distribution place except for an officer or an official of the JRA, a person engaged in the business activity of horse racing at these places, or, a person the Executive Steward has given special permission.
(Officials of the Meeting)
Art. 178 When holding a race meeting, the JRA allocates the following officials in order to carry out business provided in each of the Items of Paragraph 2 of Article 11 of the Ordinance.
- (1)Executive Steward
- (2)Vice Executive Steward
- (3)Steward of the Meeting
- (4)Clerk of the Course
- (5)Handicapper
- (6)Clerk of the Scale
- (7)Starter
- (8)Placing Judge
- (9)Sales Officer
- (10)Veterinary Officer
- (11)Customer Officer
2. In addition to the officials of the meeting in the preceding Paragraph, there shall be established a course attendance enhancement official to overview functions and other measures to promote the number of attendance at the racecourse, a public relations officer to handle the business concerning general affairs of the race meeting at the racecourse, an information control official to handle the business concerning provision of information regarding horse racing for persons entering the racecourse and Off Course Facilities, a media and publicity officer to handle the business concerning publicity, patrol judges to handle the business concerning the patrolling of races, facilities officials to handle the business concerning the maintenance of facilities (exclusive of the business under the jurisdiction of the Clerk of the Course), and system management official to handle the business concerning system operation.
(Executive Steward)
Art. 179 The Executive Steward, as head of the race meeting concerned, shall preside over the business concerning the race meeting concerned, and, direct and control other officials of the meeting and settle horse racing disputes.
2. In case it is impossible to hold horse racing due to a disaster, or, other compelling reason, the Executive Steward, can discontinue, or, suspend a race, or, horse racing after receiving the prior approval of the President. In this case, in the event if there is not sufficient time for the Executive Steward to receive the approval of the President, the Executive Steward can discontinue, or, suspend a race, or, horse racing without receiving the approval of the President.
(Vice Executive Steward)
Art. 180 The Vice Executive Steward shall assist the Executive Steward and preside over the business concerning the race meeting concerned and shall temporarily conduct the duties of the Executive Steward in the event the Executive Steward is absent, or, in the event there has been an accident to the Executive Steward.
(Steward of the Meeting)
Art. 181 The Steward of the Meeting shall administer the business concerning confirmation of the order of finish, ruling on objection filed for disqualification or demotion, security measures toward runners, or, jockeys, penalties and control of acts which may endanger the integrity of horse racing.
(Clerk of the Course)
Art. 182 The Clerk of the Course shall administer the business concerning declarations, running course instructions, the management of paddock, track and other facilities necessary to races, and the rescue of humans and horses.
Art. 183 The Handicapper shall administer the business concerning the drawing up the handicaps.
(Clerk of the Scale)
Art. 184 The Clerk of the Scale shall administer the business concerning the calculation of weights.
Art. 185 The Starter shall administer the business concerning starting.
(Placing Judge)
Art. 186 The Placing Judge shall administer the business concerning the order of arrival, margins and the measurement of the time required by the horses in a race.
2. The Placing Judge shall have assistants to measure the time required by the horses in a race.
(Sales Officer)
Art. 187 The Sales Officer shall administer the business concerning the sale of pari-mutuel betting tickets and the distribution of Payoff Money and refunds.
(Veterinary Officer)
Art. 188 The Veterinary Officer shall administer the business concerning body inspection of the runners, collection of testing material and samples, control of the use of drugs and medication whose use is regulated from the standpoint of influencing the racing performance of the horse or ensuring the welfare of horses and preventing accidents involving horses, control of conduct that restricts actions that affect the horses, and the management of horses in the saddling enclosure and the sample collecting enclosure.
(Customer Officer)
Art. 189 The Customer Officer shall administer the business concerning the control of persons entering the racecourse and the Off Course Facilities and the control of other items necessary to maintain peace inside the racecourse and the Off Course Facilities, and the business concerning service for the persons entering the racecourse and the Off Course Facilities.
Art. 190 In case of conducting dispositions mentioned in the following Items, the President shall in advance hear the opinions of the persons prescribed in Article 2-8 of the Enforcement Regulations of the Japan Racing Association Law (1954, Ordinance No.56 by Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries) (hereinafter referred to as Horseracing Adjudication Council Members).
- (1)Owner Registration and its deregistration
- (2)The licenses of the trainer and jockey and their cancellation
- (3)Rulings on examination requests in regards to dispositions mentioned in the preceding 2 Items and under the provisions of Article 3 of the Ordinance on Enforcement of the Japan Racing Association Law (1954, Government Ordinance No. 258)
- (4)Decisions in Paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 153, and in Paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 155-3
2. Horseracing Adjudication Council Members shall be appointed by the President among the following;
- (1)Academic experts in the legal field
- (2)Academic experts in the social field
- (3)Academic experts in the horseracing field
3. The number of Horseracing Adjudication Council Members shall be 7 or less.
4. The term of appointment of Horseracing Adjudication Council Members is 2 years. Provided, however, that Horseracing Adjudication Council Members may be re-elected.
5. In case of a vacancy of a Horseracing Adjudication Council Member, in the event a Horseracing Adjudication Council Member is appointed to fill the vacancy, the tenure of office of the Horseracing Adjudication Council Member filling the vacancy shall be the remaining tenure of office of the predecessor.
6. The council of Horseracing Adjudication Council Members (hereinafter referred to as Horseracing Adjudication Council) shall be called by the President.
7. In addition to those mentioned in the preceding Paragraphs, matters necessary for the Horseracing Adjudication Council shall be decided at the Horseracing Adjudication Council.
Supplementary Provisions
(Date of Enforcement)
This Notification shall be implemented from January 1, 2019. Provided, however, that amended provisions of Article 74-1(1) and 74-2 shall be applied to races conducted after March 1, 2019.
Racecourse | Location |
Sapporo Racecourse Hakodate Racecourse Fukushima Racecourse Niigata Racecourse Nakayama Racecourse Tokyo Racecourse Chukyo Racecourse Kyoto Racecourse Hanshin Racecourse Kokura Racecourse |
Sapporo-Shi, Hokkaido Hakodate-Shi, Hokkaido Fukushima-Shi, Fukushima-Ken Niigata-Shi, Niigata-Ken Funabashi-Shi, Chiba-Ken Fuchu-Shi, Tokyo-To Toyoake-Shi, Aichi-Ken Kyoto-Shi, Kyoto-Fu Takarazuka-Shi, Hyogo-Ken Kitakyushu-Shi, Fukuoka-Ken |
SEPARATE TABLE (2) (relating to Art.132, Art.136)
1. Acadesine 2. Azaperone 3. Acetylfentanyl 4. Acetophenazine 5. Acefylline 6. Acebutolol 7. Acepromazine 8. Atipamezole 9. Adrafinil 10. Anastrozole 11. Amantadine 12. Amitriptyline 13. Aminoglutethimide 14. Aminophylline 15. Aminorex 16. Amiphenazole 17. Amoxapine 18. Amobarbital 19. Altrenogest 20. Alfentanil 21. Alprazolam 22. Alprenoxime 23. Alprenolol 24. Allobarbital 25. Andarine 26. Androsta-1,4,6-triene-3,17-dione 27. Androsta-4-ene-3,6,17-trione 28. Androstanolone 29. Androstenedione 30. Amfetaminil 31. Amphetamine 32. Amfepramone 33. Isoxsuprine 34. Isometheptene 35. Ipamorelin 36. Ibuterol 37. Imipramine 38. Irbesartan 39. Examorelin 40. Exemestane 41. Estazolam 42. Ethanol 43. Etafedrine 44. Ethisterone 45. Etizolam 46. Etilamfetamine 47. Ethylestrenol (other name: Ethylnandrol) 48. Ethylmorphine 49. Etilefrine 50. Edrophonium 51. Enalapril 52. Enobosarm 53. Ephedrine 54. Eplerenone 55. Erythropoietin 56. Embutramide 57. Oxazepam 58. Oxazolam 59. Oxandrolone 60. Oxycodone 61. Oxymetholone 62. Oxilofrine 63. Oxprenolol 64. Opromazine (other name: chlorpromazine sulphoxide) 65. Orciprenaline 66. Cathine 67. Gabapentin 68. Caffeine 69. Carazolol 70. Carbamazepine 71. Candesartan 72. Cannabidiol 73. Camphenal (other name: 10-Oxocamphor) 74. Camphor 75. Xylazine 76. Quinapril 77. * Quinbolone 78. Guanabenz 79. Guanfacine 80. Quetiapine 81. Clencyclohexerol 82. Clenbuterol 83. Clenproperol 84. Clozapine 85. Clostebol 86. Clotiazepam 87. Crotetamide 88. Clonazepam 89. Clonidine 90. Clobazam 91. Cropropamide 92. Clobenzorex 93. Clomipramine 94. Clorazepate 95. Chlordiazepoxide 96. Chlorprothixene 97. Chlorpromazine 98. 8-Chlorotheophylline 99. Gestrinone 100. Ketazolam 101. Ketamine 102. Cocaine 103. Codeine 104. Choline theophylline 105. Salbutamol 106. Salmeterol 107. Diazepam 108. Diazoxide 109. Cyamemazine 110. Diamorphine (other name: Heroin) 111. Diisopropylamine 112. Cyclazodone 113. Cyclobarbital 114. Digoxin 115. Citalopram 116. Synephrine 117. Dipyridamole 118. Sibutramine 119. Cimaterol 120. Dimetamfetamine (other name: Dimethylamphetamine) 121. Dimefline 122. Dimorpholamine 123. Diltiazem 124. Sildenafil 125. Zilpaterol 126. Zuclopenthixol 127. Stanozolol 128. Strychinine 129. Sufentanil 130. Sulpiride 131. Growth hormone 132. Secbutabarbital 133. Secobarbital 134. Zeranol 135. Selegiline 136. Zolazepam 137. Zolpidem 138. Tadalafil 139. Danazol 140. Tamoxifen 141. Darbepoetin alfa 142. Thiamylal 143. Thiothixene 144. Thiopental 145. Thioridazine 146. Tibolone 147. Tiletamine 148. Tuaminoheptane 149. Tulobuterol 150. Theophylline 151. Theobromine 152. Dexamfetamine (other name: Dextroamphetamine) 153. Dextropropoxyphene 154. Dexmedetomidine 155. Tesamorelin 156. Testosterone 157. Testolactone 158. Deslorelin 159. Detomidine 160. Tetrahydrogestrinone 161. Thebaine 162. Temazepam 163. Demoxepam 164. Terbutaline 165. Delmadinone 166. Telmisartan 167. Dermorphin 168. Doxapram 169. Tofisopam 170. Dobutamine 171. Tramadol 172. Trans-pi-oxocamphor 173. Triazolam 174. Triptorelin 175. Trifluoperazine 176. 1-(4-Trifluoromethylphenyl)piperazine 177. Trimetazidine 178. Toremifene 179. Trenbolone 180. Drostanolone |
181. Dronabinol (other name: Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol) 182. Droperidol 183. Nadolol 184. Naloxone 185. Nalorphine 186. * Nandrolone 187. Nikethamide 188. Nicotine 189. Nitrazepam 190. Nitrendipine 191. Nilutamide 192. Nomifensine 193. Norandrostenedione 194. Norethandrolone 195. Norclostebol 196. Nordazepam 197. Nortriptyline 198. Papaverine 199. Bamethan 200. Halazepam 201. Valsartan 202. Vardenafil 203. Barbital 204. Valerenic acid 205. Paroxetine 206. Haloperidol 207. Bambuterol 208. Picrotoxin 209. Pizotifen 210. Hydroxyamphetamine 211. Hydroxyzine 212. Hydroxyprogesterone caproate 213. Hydromorphone 214. Pinazepam 215. Pipradrol 216. Pipotiazine 217. Pyridostigmine 218. Pirbuterol 219. Viloxazine 220. Famprofazone 221. Phenytoin 222. Phenylpropanolamine 223. Fenethylline 224. Fenoterol 225. Phenobarbital 226. Fencamine 227. Phencyclidine 228. Phendimetrazine 229. Fentanyl 230. Phentermine 231. Phenbutrazate 232. Fenfluramine 233. Fenproporex 234. Phenpromethamine 235. Buspirone 236. Buserelin 237. Pseudoephedrine 238. Buprenorphine 239. Bupropion 240. Buflomedil 241. Furazabol 242. Prazepam 243. Pralmorelin 244. Primidone 245. Fluoxymesterone 246. Fluoxetine 247. Brucine 248. Fluspirilene 249. Flutamide 250. Flunarizine 251. Flunitrazepam 252. Fluphenazine 253. Furfenorex 354. Fulvestrant 255. Flupentixol 256. Fluvoxamine 257. Flurazepam 258. Prenylamine 259. Procaterol 260. Prochlorperazine 261. Procyclidine 262. Brotizolam 263. Prothipendyl 264. Propionylpromazine 265. Propranolol 266. Propentofylline 267. Promazine 268. Bromazepam 269. Brombuterol 270. Hexobarbital 271. Betaxolol 272. Pethidine 273. Benazepril 274. Heptaminol 275. Pemoline 276. Periciazine (other name: Propericiazine) 277. Pergolide 278. Perphenazine 279. Benzylpiperazine 280. Benzphetamine 281. Pentazocine 282. Pentetrazol 283. Pentoxifylline 284. Pentoxyverine 285. Pentobarbital 286. Venlafaxine 287. Fosazepam 288. * Boldione 289. * Boldenone 290. Formestane 291. Formoterol 292. Mabuterol 293. Midazolam 294. Midodrine 295. Mibolerone 296. Mirtazapine 297. Methadone 298. Mestanolone 299. Mesterolone 300. Mesocarb 301. Methasterone 302. Medazepam 303. Metharbital 304. Metandienone 305. Methandriol 306. Methamphetamine 307. Methylephedrine 308. Methyltestosterone 309. Methylnortestosterone 310. Methylphenidate 311. Methylphenobarbital (other name: Mephobarbital) 312. 3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine (other name: MDA) 313. 3,4-Methylenedioxyethylamphetamine (other name: MDEA) 314. 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (other name: MDMA) 315. Medetomidine 316. Methenolone 317. * 3-Methoxytyramine 318. Methoxyphenamine 319. Metoprolol 320. Metribolone 321. Mefenorex 322. Mephentermine 323. Meptazinol 324. Meprobamate 325. Meldonium 326. Modafinil 327. Morphine 328. Yohimbine 329. Ractopamine 330. Labetalol 331. Lamotrigine 332. Lisdexamfetamine 333. Risperidone 334. Leuprorelin 335. Reserpine 336. Letrozole 337. Reproterol 338. Levomepromazine 339. Levorphanol 340. Roxadustat 341. Loxapine 342. Losartan 343. Lobeline 344. Romifidine 345. Lorazepam 346. Lormetazepam 347. AOD-9604 348. GHRP-1 349. GHRP-6 350. GW1516 351. TB-500 352. Any other substance that contains or releases any one of the above mentioned substances. |
(Remarks) The asterisk [*] affixed to the names of Prohibited Drugs, or, Medication, indicate the drugs, or, medication as provided for in Paragraph 7 of Article 136.
SEPARATE TABLE (3) (relating to Art. 132-2, Art. 136)1. Ajmaline 2. Aspirin 3. Acetazolamide 4. Acemetacin 5. Azelastine 6. Atenolol 7. Atorvastatin 8. Atropine 9. Afloqualone 10. Amiodarone 11. Aminocaproic acid 12. Aminophenazone (other name: Aminopyrine) 13. Amiloride 14. Articaine 15. Altizide 16. Alendronic acid 17. Ampiroxicam 18. Amfenac 19. Isoflupredone 20. Isopropamide 21. Ibandronic acid 22. Ibuprofen 23. Ipratropium 24. Ipriflavone 25. Incadronic acid 26. Indapamide 27. Indomethacin 28. Etacrynic acid 29. Etamiphylline 30. Etamsylate 31. Etidronic acid 32. Ethenzamide 33. Etodolac 34. Etofylline 35. Etoricoxib 36. Ebastine 37. Epirizole 38. Emorfazone 39. Elcatonin 40. Ergometrine 41. Eltenac 42. Oxaprozin 43. Oxyphenonium 44. Oxybuprocaine 45. Oxymetazoline 46. Olpadronic acid 47. Orphenadrine 48. Olopatadine 49. Capsaicin 50. Carisoprodol 51. Carbazochrome 52. Carprofen 53. Canrenoic Acid 54. Canrenone 55. Xipamide 56. Xylometazoline 57. Quinidine 58. Guaifenesin 59. Glycopyrronium 60. Clidinium 61. Clemastine 62. Clodronic acid 63. Clonixin 64. Clofilium 65. Cromoglicic acid 66. Chlortalidone 67. Chlorphenamine (other name: Chlorpheniramine) 68. Chlorothiazide 69. Ketoprofen 70. Ketorolac 71. Kebuzone (other name: Ketophenylbutazone) 72. Cobalt 73. Cortisone 74. Salicylamide 75. Salicylic acid 76. Methyl salicylate 77. Zaltoprofen 78. Ciclesonide 79. Cyclothiazide 80. Diclofenac 81. Diclofenamide 82. Cyclobenzaprine 83. Digoxigenin 84. Dihydrocapsaicin 85. Diphenhydramine 86. Diflunisal 87. Diprenorphine 88. Diprophylline 89. Cyproheptadine 90. Dimetotiazine 91. Cinchocaine (other name: Dibucaine) 92. Suxamethonium 93. Suxibuzone 94. Scopolamine 95. Sparteine 96. Spironolactone 97. Sumatriptan 98. Sulindac 99. Cetirizine 100. Celecoxib 101. Sotalol 102. Zoledronic acid 103. Dantrolene 104. Tiaprofenic acid 105. Tiaramide 106. Tiemonium 107. Tiotropium 108. Timolol 109. Tiludronic acid 110. Dexamethasone 111. Dextromethorphan 112. Tetracaine 113. Tenoxicam 114. Tepoxalin 115. Deracoxib 116. Torasemide 117. Tranexamic acid 118. Triamcinolone 119. Triamcinolone acetonide 120. Triamterene |
121. Trichlormethiazide 122. Tripelennamine 123. Tolvaptan 124. Tolfenamic acid 125. Tolmetin 126. Tropicamide 127. Domperidone 128. Nabumetone 129. Naproxen 130. Naltrexone 131. Nalbuphine 132. Niflumic acid 133. Nimesulide 134. Neostigmine 135. Nefopam 136. Neridronic acid 137. Noscapine 138. Nonivamide 139. Pamidronic acid 140. Paracetamol (other name: Acetaminophen) 141. Valdecoxib 142. Valethamate 143. Arsenic 144. Hydrochlorothiazide 145. Hydrocortisone 146. Hydroflumethiazide 147. Pipenzolate 148. Pimethixene 149. Piroxicam 150. Physostigmine 151. Firocoxib 152. Phenacetin 153. Phenazone (other name: Antipyrine) 154. Pheniramine 155. Phenylbutazone 156. Phenylephrine 157. Fenoprofen 158. Felbinac 159. Fenspiride 160. Bucolome 161. Butylscopolamine 162. Budesonide 163. Butorphanol 164. Bupivacaine 165. Bumetanide 166. Pranoprofen 167. Pramocaine 168. Pridinol 169. Prifinium 170. Prilocaine (other name: Propitocaine) 171. Brinzolamide 172. Fluocinolone acetonide 173. Fluticasone 174. Fludrocortisone 175. Flunixin 176. Flufenamic acid 177. Flumazenil 178. Flumetasone 179. Flurbiprofen 180. Flecainide 181. Prednisolone 182. Prednisone 183. Procaine 184. Procainamide 185. Proxyphylline 186. Proglumetacin 187. Furosemide 188. Propantheline 189. Propyphenazone (other name: Isopropylantipyrine) 190. Probenecid 191. Propoxycaine 192. Promethazine 193. Beclometasone 194. Bethanechol 195. Vedaprofen 196. Betamethasone 197. Verapamil 198. Benzydamine 199. Benzthiazide 200. Benzocaine (other name: Ethyl Aminobenzoate) 201. Benzonatate 202. Bendroflumethiazide 203. Benfluorex 204. Minodronic acid 205. Meclofenamic acid 206. Methazolamide 207. Methapyrilene 208. Metamizole (other name: Sulpyrine) 209. Methyclothiazide 210. N-Methylscopolamine 211. Methylprednisolone 212. Methocarbamol 213. Metoclopramide 214. Methotrexate 215. Metolazone 216. Mepivacaine 217. Mepyramine 218. Mefenamic acid 219. Mebeverine 220. Mepenzolate 221. Meloxicam 222. Mofezolac 223. Mometasone 224. Lixivaptan 225. Risedronic acid 226. Lidocaine 227. Relcovaptan 228. Loxoprofen 229. Loratadine 230. Lornoxicam 231. Any other substance that contains or releases any one of the above mentioned substances. |
SEPARATE TABLE (4) (relating to Art. 159)
When there are 3 horses to run When there are 4 horses to run When there are 5 horses to run When there are 6 horses to run When there are 7 horses to run When there are 8 horses to run When there are 9 horses to run When there are 10 horses to run When there are 11 horses to run When there are 12 horses to run When there are 13 horses to run When there are 14 horses to run When there are 15 horses to run When there are 16 horses to run When there are 17 horses to run When there are 18 horses, or,More horses to run |
Horse No. 1 2 3 Bracket No. 1 2 3 Horse No. 1 2 3 4 Bracket No. 1 2 3 4 Horse No. 1 2 3 4 5 Bracket No. 1 2 3 4 5 Horse No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Bracket No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Horse No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Bracket No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Horse No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Bracket No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Horse No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Bracket No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Horse No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Bracket No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Horse No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Bracket No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Horse No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Bracket No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Horse No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Bracket No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Horse No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Bracket No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Horse No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Bracket No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Horse No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Bracket No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Horse No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Bracket No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Horse No. Bracket No. Applies correspondingly to the above |