Feed, Bedding and Water

As of January 2025

1. Feed and Bedding

Feed, supplements, and bedding while in Japan will be provided by the JRA. Select the feed, etc. you wish to use from the “LIST OF FEED AVAILABLE IN JAPAN,” which will be handed to you separately, and submit it to the JRA representative office in advance. Bringing in feeds and supplements that cannot be substituted for the products on the list may be allowed if all of the following conditions are met.

  1. a)“Feed Exportation Form for Travelling to Japan,” which is an application form for Bringing in feed, etc., has been filled out and submitted it with “LIST OF FEED AVAILABLE IN JAPAN,” to JRA in advance for approval.
  2. b)The feed and/or supplements were given to your horse regularly and right up to until arrival in Japan.
  3. c)Compound feed and supplements must be unopened and each product should be of same Lot and/or Batch numbers with the date of manufacture.

If the above requirements cannot be met, the feed and/or supplements intended to use must undergo prior physico-chemical tests by the Laboratory of Racing Chemistry (LRC).

If prohibited or restricted drugs is detected in the post arrival sampling and is suspected to be derived from the feed or the supplements brought into Japan, the trainer cannot use their carried-inn feed and supplements other than those which have already passed prior physico-chemical tests conducted by the LRC.

The feed and bedding used during airfreight travel must be disposed of upon arrival at the airport in Japan. Any other feed (without prior notification and approval by the JRA) brought into the country must be kept in the JRA’s custody until after the race.

2. Quarantine Precautions for Feed Imports

If you wish to import feed or supplements for your horse to Japan, you may be required to obtain a phytosanitary certificate issued by the Agricultural Department of your country. In addition, upon arrival in Japan, feed or supplements, must be cleared by the Plant and Animal Quarantine Department and Customs. Please note that it may take time to go through these procedures.

Therefore, if your horse must have feed or supplements that cannot be replaced by the JRA provisions mentioned in ” List of Feed Available in Japan ”, please contact the JRA Representative Office as far in advance as possible. Please note that if you fail to notify our office as far in advance as possible, you may not be able to use your feed or supplements immediately after arrival.

3. Water

All JRA facilities are furnished with complete water and sewerage service. The water from the waterworks is potable water, which more than satisfies the standards prescribed by law.

The quality of water is soft compared to North America and Europe.