2024 News

September 17, 2024


Victor the Winner and Mugen arrive safely for Grade 1 Sprinters Stakes

September 17, 2024 (Tuesday)

The following horses entered in the 58th Sprinters Stakes were transported to the Horse Racing School quarantine facilities, arriving at 11:56. Comments taken from the connections upon arrival are as follows:

<At the Horse Racing School>


“Although it took nine hours to get here, the horse isn’t showing any fatigue and looks well. I haven’t been given any special instructions from our trainer but we intend to keep the horse’s condition our top priority.

We aren’t planning on doing any strong work during quarantine, but all will depend on his condition—we’ll take it day by day.”

(comments taken from Ho Fai Leung)


“Upon arrival, the horse was slower than usual in drinking his water which worried me a bit, but he gradually regained his strength. We’ve been told by our trainer to always think of the horse’s safety first and we intend to do so while carefully preparing him for the race.”

(comments taken from Fung Yee Tam)

“The trainer decided that the horse should do up to a canter while we’re here at the racing school, but details of his workout will be decided daily according to the horse’s condition and discussing it with our trainer.”

(comments taken from Pui Chau Man)

Sprinters Stakes (G1) related contents