2024 News

May 22, 2024


Yasuda Kinen (G1) - Training Report of Foreign Entries (as of May 22)

May 22, 2024 (Wednesday)

<At Tokyo Racecourse>


- walked 4 laps, jogged 9 laps, walked 3 laps left-handed on the dirt exercise track around the international stables
(exercised from 7:13 AM to 7:43 AM, ridden by Ka Tai Lau)

“Romantic Warrior looks relaxed and doesn’t seem nervous. He’s a quiet horse but looks happy and I think he is getting used to his new surroundings. He might be a bit tired but we should see his appetite back to normal in a few days.

As we do at home and when we were in Australia for the Cox Plate last autumn, he trains with his companion horse in front of him. Tomorrow he will probably only trot for about 15 minutes on the exercise track.”

(comments taken from Ka Tai Lau)


- walked 2 laps, jogged 11 laps, cantered 2 laps, jogged 1 lap, walked 3 laps left-handed on the dirt exercise track around the international stables
(exercised from 7:11 AM to 7:43 AM, ridden by Yan Kin Lau)

“He was eating very well last night and very calm in the stable. He looks very good. This morning, we walked and trotted him and after that we had him do a little bit more exercise.

We weighed him this morning and his weight was a bit lower than when in Hong Kong, but he’s eating well and sleeping well so we aren’t worried. His work out tomorrow morning will be more or less the same as today.”

(comments taken from Yan Kin Lau)

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