2024 News

May 31, 2024


Yasuda Kinen (G1) - Training Report of Foreign Entries (as of May 31)

May 31, 2024 (Friday)

<At Tokyo Racecourse>

Weather: Rainy
Going: Sloppy (dirt course)


- walked 1 lap, jogged 5 laps left-handed on the exercise track of the international stables, cantered 1-1/2 laps left-handed, walked 1/2 lap right-handed on the dirt course
(exercised from 7:22 AM to 7:46 AM, ridden by Ka Tai Lau)

“He’s happy, he’s healthy and he likes it here.
I’ve checked the weather forecast and the weather up to the day of the race will be not too bad, so I don’t think the track will be as wet as this morning, and this is a good track, fair for every horse, so I’m not worried about the going.
The owner, myself, James, we all like number seven, it’s lucky for us, so we’re happy with the draw. James will know how to handle the horse according to the race development, so I’m going to leave it up to James on how he races the horse.
Tomorrow’s training will be more or less the same as this morning.”

(comments taken from Chap Shing Shum)


- walked 4 laps, jogged 5 laps left-handed on the exercise track of the international stables, cantered 1-1/4 laps left-handed, walked 1/4 lap right-handed on the dirt course
(exercised from 7:10 AM to 7:44 AM, ridden by Yan Kin Lau)

“I’ve always wanted to run in this particular race. I was looking for the right horse.
It was the first time to see him in a while this morning and the horse looks amazing. I’ve had positive feedback from the boys looking after him here and in the videos, the horse looked good, but he looks better in the flesh.
It took him a couple of days to get used to running left-handed, but he’s adapted to it and the grass seems to be no problem for him either.
The strong points of Voyage Bubble are that he is intelligent and a good traveler. He doesn’t worry about anything and he’s got good guts.
My impression of the Japanese horses is that they have been improving all these years and you can see them running all around the world, in Europe, Dubai and some big countries.
Regarding the draw no.15, we were hoping for somewhere from the middle towards the outside, especially from our experience in Dubai, so I’m happy. It gives him a lot of options.
In the Yasuda Kinen, Namur and Soul Rush could be the horses to look out for.
We will decide whether to run him in the Takarazuka Kinen after the run on Sunday.”

(comments taken from Poon Fai Yiu)

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