2024 News

May 26, 2024


Yasuda Kinen (G1) - Training Report of Foreign Entries (as of May 26)

May 26, 2024 (Sunday)

<At Tokyo Racecourse>

Weather: Cloudy
Going: Standard (dirt course)


- jogged 6 laps left-handed on the exercise track surrounding the international stables, cantered 1-1/4 laps left-handed, walked 1/4 lap right-handed on dirt course
(exercised from 6:33 AM to 6:54 AM, ridden by Ka Tai Lau)

“He’s good, his temperature is fine, he’s relaxed and quiet.
After walking him and trotting him, he did a normal canter today on the dirt course.
His tune up is about the same as in Hong Kong.
He felt better this morning than yesterday.
Since he has won in Australia left-handed and that he did a left-handed canter in Hong Kong before coming, the opposite direction shouldn’t be a problem.
Tomorrow’s training will be the same as today and on Tuesday, James McDonald will gallop him on the turf.”

(comments taken from Ka Tai Lau)


- walked 4 laps, jogged 6 laps left-handed on the exercise track surrounding the international stables, cantered 3/4 lap, galloped 1/2 lap left-handed and walked 1/4 lap right-handed on dirt course
(exercised from 6:21 AM to 6:52 AM, ridden by Yan Kin Lau)

“He’s doing well, he lost a bit of his appetite because of the crowd and noise yesterday but he was okay in the evening.
We galloped him 800 meters this morning. He didn’t change legs but I’m not worried about it.
He has done left-handed canters in Hong Kong in preparation and it’s not a big deal for him to run left-handed, I think he’ll get used to in in a few days.
We plan to canter him on dirt tomorrow, do a slow canter on turf on Wednesday just to let him see what the turf course is like, and gallop him on the turf on Thursday.”

(comments taken from Yan Kin Lau)

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