2024 News

May 27, 2024


Yasuda Kinen (G1) - Training Report of Foreign Entries (as of May 27)

May 27, 2024 (Monday)

<At Tokyo Racecourse>

Weather: Cloudy
Going: Standard (dirt course)


- walked 1 lap, jogged 4 laps, walked 1 lap left-handed on the exercise track surrounding the international stables, cantered 1-1/2 laps left-handed, walked 1/2 lap right-handed on dirt course
(exercised from 7:23 AM to 7:47 AM, ridden by Ka Tai Lau)

“He’s more relaxed and concentrated, and he’s getting used to the track.
Since the beginning of his four-race winning streak which began with his G1 win in Australia, he has improved both mentally and physically.
Tomorrow he will gallop on the turf with the jockey in the saddle along with Romantic Charm, his companion horse.”

(comments taken from Ka Tai Lau)


- walked 5 laps, jogged 3 laps left-handed on the exercise track surrounding the international stables, cantered 1-1/4 laps left-handed and walked 1/4 lap right-handed on dirt course
(exercised from 7:11 AM to 7:44 AM, ridden by Yan Kin Lau)

“His condition is getting better, he finishes his feed, his weight has dropped a bit but it’s because of his exercises since we try to do a little bit more every day.
We took him out on the dirt course yesterday but since the dirt is softer than Hong Kong, we didn’t do a fast gallop. He changed legs smoothly, so we’re not worried about the running left-handed.
Tomorrow’s work will be the same as today. On Wednesday, he will do a slow canter on the turf and then also gallop on the turf course on Thursday.”

(comments taken from Yan Kin Lau)

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