2024 News

June 1, 2024


Yasuda Kinen (G1) - Training Report of Foreign Entries (as of June 1)

June 1, 2024 (Saturday)

<At Tokyo Racecourse>

Weather: Cloudy
Going: Muddy (dirt course)


- walked 1 lap, jogged 5 laps left-handed on exercise track of the international stables, cantered 1-1/2 laps left-handed, walked 1/2 lap right-handed on dirt track
(exercised from 6:22 AM to 6:45 AM, ridden by Ka Tai Lau)

“We just did some slow work this morning, it was easy and no problem for him.
He looks good and happy. He’s absolutely ready for the race.
Tomorrow, we’ll just trot him on the exercise track.”

(comments taken from Chap Shing Shum)


- walked 4 laps, jogged 5 laps left-handed on exercise track of international stables, cantered 1-1/4 laps left-handed, walked 1/4 lap right-handed on the dirt course
(exercised from 6:10 AM to 6:43 AM, ridden by Yan Kin Lau)

“He’s better every day, he’s adapted to the environment well.
He was powerful and focused in his training this morning. It’s anticlockwise but he changed legs at the right place and at the right time.
He’s a hundred percent ready for the race and his draw is what we had hoped for—from the middle to the outside—so he’ll run a big race.
Tomorrow he’ll just walk and trot around the stables, just to stay happy.”

(comments taken from Poon Fai Yiu)

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